Dear Yuletide Author...

Oct 14, 2013 01:16

Thanks for writing for me, I am jazzed! I'll outline here what I generally like, but please, go where the spirit takes you, and definitely don't force yourself to write something you're not comfortable with.

Whitechapel: I love this series and really thought the new direction of the show was great fun. Something creepy and cool, a puzzling casefic, character study or PWP would make me happy. I like all the characters and their quirks, and I love London and the Whitechapel area - the real one *and* the TV show one. Teamfic would suit, and if you prefer to go smutty or romantic, I do like slashfic (explicit is OK). Chandler/Miles, Chandler/Kent are my favorites and even Kent/Mansell would be interesting. It's also ok to just have some slashy undertones. Anything to do with Chandler's issues intrigue me. Dark, symbolic, intense fic - even gore - also great. I guess the only thing that I wouldn't necessarily want is something overly fluffy, or deathfic. Otherwise, I'm pretty much welcoming everything with open arms.

Luther: Okay, yes. I love this show and think it's the best. Please take me on a wild ride with Luther and Alice, or investigate Luther's relationship with any of the other characters. You can pair up Luther/Alice, Luther/Justin, Luther/Mark if you like, or have Luther and Alice run into someone from their past while traveling around. Perhaps Luther says goodbye to the important things in order to start a new life. Take Luther and Alice to Morocco, or wherever. Dark or sunny, sad or sexy, I'm game.

Ripper Street: Gosh, another show I love so much. Give me all the British small fandoms! I am very much into a Jackson/Drake pairing filled with pain and sex and sniping. But don't worry if that's not your ship. Teamfic also makes me happy and Reid/Jackson is also good. I love Reid's complications, his relationship with the men and women in his life, and his epic manpain. I also adore Jackson and Drake and any sort of character study would be terrific. Oh hell, I love the women too, especially Rose and Deborah Goren. If you're looking for a prompt, consider a murder at Long Susan's, a desperate gamble in the gambling hall, some unwelcome cargo at the docks, undercover in high society, or one of the characters falling prey to opium.

Miranda: Let's take a turn out of the dark alleys of London and venture into the sunshine of Miranda, shall we? Such fun! Anything you write in this fandom will be loved and cherished. All the characters are great, and the classic pratfalls and insults are priceless. I love Miranda/Gary of course! Prompts to consider or discard at will: what happens after Miranda (probably) runs out of the room at the climax of s3? Who runs after her? Miranda and friends at a wedding. Clive comes out and is in love with Gary. New Year's fic. More Christmas fic. Someone wants to buy the store. And... Miranda gets lost in a big city.

Above all, have fun!


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