>===== Original Message From CAE Legal Defense Fund =====
May 25, 2004
Feds Unable to Distinguish Art from Bioterrorism
Grieving Artist Denied Access to Deceased Wife's Body
Steve Kurtz was already suffering from one tragedy when he called 911
early in the morning to tell them his wife had suffered a cardiac arrest
and died in her sleep. The police arrived and, cranked up on the rhetoric
of the "War on Terror," decided Kurtz's art supplies were actually
bioterrorism weapons.
Thus began an Orwellian stream of events in which FBI agents abducted
Kurtz without charges, sealed off his entire block, and confiscated his
computers, manuscripts, art supplies... and even his wife's body.
Like the case of Brandon Mayfield, the Muslim lawyer from Portland
imprisoned for two weeks on the flimsiest of false evidence, Kurtz's case
amply demonstrates the dangers posed by the USA PATRIOT Act coupled with
government-nurtured terrorism hysteria.
Kurtz's case is ongoing, and, on top of everything else, Kurtz is facing a
mountain of legal fees. Donations to his legal defense can be made at
http://www.rtmark.com/CAEdefense/ FEAR RUN AMOK
Steve Kurtz is Associate Professor in the Department of Art at the State
University of New York's University at Buffalo, and a member of the
internationally-acclaimed Critical Art Ensemble.
Kurtz's wife, Hope Kurtz, died in her sleep of cardiac arrest in the early
morning hours of May 11. Police arrived, became suspicious of Kurtz's art
supplies and called the FBI.
Within hours, FBI agents had "detained" Kurtz as a suspected bioterrorist
and cordoned off the entire block around his house. (Kurtz walked away the
next day on the advice of a lawyer, his "detention" having proved to be
illegal.) Over the next few days, dozens of agents in hazmat suits, from a
number of law enforcement agencies, sifted through Kurtz's work, analyzing
it on-site and impounding computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and
even his wife's body for further analysis. Meanwhile, the Buffalo Health
Department condemned his house as a health risk.
Kurtz, a member of the Critical Art Ensemble, makes art which addresses
the politics of biotechnology. "Free Range Grains," CAE's latest project,
included a mobile DNA extraction laboratory for testing food products for
possible transgenic contamination. It was this equipment which triggered
the Kafkaesque chain of events.
FBI field and laboratory tests have shown that Kurtz's equipment was not
used for any illegal purpose. In fact, it is not even _possible_ to use
this equipment for the production or weaponization of dangerous germs.
Furthermore, any person in the US may legally obtain and possess such
"Today, there is no legal way to stop huge corporations from putting
genetically altered material in our food," said Defense Fund spokeswoman
Carla Mendes. "Yet owning the equipment required to test for the presence
of 'Frankenfood' will get you accused of 'terrorism.' You can be illegally
detained by shadowy government agents, lose access to your home, work, and
belongings, and find that your recently deceased spouse's body has been
taken away for 'analysis.'"
Though Kurtz has finally been able to return to his home and recover his
wife's body, the FBI has still not returned any of his equipment,
computers or manuscripts, nor given any indication of when they will. The
case remains open.
A small fortune has already been spent on lawyers for Kurtz and other
Critical Art Ensemble members. A defense fund has been established at
http://www.rtmark.com/CAEdefense/ to help defray the legal costs which
will continue to mount so long as the investigation continues. Donations
go directly to the legal defense of Kurtz and other Critical Art Ensemble
members. Should the funds raised exceed the cost of the legal defense, any
remaining money will be used to help other artists in need.
To make a donation, please visit
http://www.rtmark.com/CAEdefense/ For more information on the Critical Art Ensemble, please visit
http://www.critical-art.net/ Articles about the case:
http://www.rtmark.com/CAEdefense/news-WKBW-2.htmlhttp://www.rtmark.com/CAEdefense/news-WKBW.html On advice of counsel, Steve Kurtz is unable to answer questions regarding
his case. Please direct questions or comments to Carla Mendes
The following action items from the Friends Committee on National Legislation
(FCNL) focus on federal policy issues currently before Congress or the
On Memorial Day weekend, the latest Hollywood disaster movie "The Day After
Tomorrow" will be released. The movie depicts a world abruptly struck by
catastrophic consequences of global climate change.
While the extreme and instantaneous ice-over portrayed in the movie is science
fiction, global climate change is not. The growing consensus among the
scientific community is that global warming is already occurring and there are
expectations of future climate change. This includes a rising sea level and
episodes of erratic and severe weather, such as droughts, heavy rainfall, and
bouts of brutal heat. Global climate change will have dramatic impacts on
people and the environment.
Global warming is induced by certain human activities, such as clearing forests
and burning fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping
gases into the atmosphere. Hence, climate change can be minimized by limiting
and regulating human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases. Without
instituting a regulatory mechanism, it is projected that U.S. greenhouse gas
emissions will increase by 14 percent over the next nine years.
Last fall, Senators McCain (AZ) and Lieberman (CT) introduced the Climate
Stewardship Act (S 139). The bill would establish a mandatory reduction in U.S.
emissions that contribute to global warming through a market-based system with
the objective of reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels by 2010,
approximately 1.5 percent below today's levels. It would also establish grants
for climate change research, including research for enhancing technologies that
reduce greenhouse gases.
In October 2003, the Climate Stewardship Act was rejected 55-43.
To see how your senators voted, click here:
Fortunately, the Climate Stewardship Act (or similar legislation) is expected be
reintroduced after the May recess. Now is the time to contact your senators and
ask them to support legislation that would reduce human-created greenhouse
gases. The McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act takes a proactive step
toward controlling growing U.S. emissions that contribute to global warming.
To compose a letter to your senators, click on the link, then enter your ZIP
code and click "Go" in the "Take Action Now" box.
Here is the link to send an email from the FCNL website:
Thirty national religious leaders and prominent scientists concerned about
global climate change recently signed on to a letter to the U.S. Senate, urging
leaders to support legislation, like the Climate Stewardship Act, that would
help reduce human-created greenhouse gases. To read the letter, click here:
Environmental Defense and other organizations are using the release of the film,
"The Day After Tomorrow," to educate and mobilize the public to help stop global
warming. We need your help. To find out more about the Environmental Defense
Global Warming UnDoIt campaign, click here:
This resource includes
* a video public service announcement and video news release,
* a movie flyer for volunteers to distribute at theaters showing movie, and
* emissions petitions supporting the McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act.
For more information on global warming and the Climate Stewardship Act
visit the Union of Concerned Scientists web site at:
https://dnbweb1.blackbaud.com/OPXREPHIL/Link.asp?link=19719) and
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Order WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER bumper stickers and yard signs!
To order "WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER" bumper stickers free of charge
*Go to the Bumper Sticker web order form:
* Phone: Call 800-630-1330, ext. 142. Leave a message with mailing information
and number of stickers requested.
To order "WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER" yard signs
* Go to the Yard Sign web order form:
https://dnbweb1.blackbaud.com/OPXREPHIL/Link.asp?link=19725) or
* Phone: Call 800-630-1330, ext. 142. Leave a message with contact information.
We appreciate contributions for bulk orders of bumper stickers. The suggested
donation for peace signs is $5 each.
Your contributions sustain our Quaker witness in Washington. We welcome your
gifts to FCNL, or, if you need a tax deduction, to the FCNL Education Fund. You
can use your credit card to donate money securely to FCNL through a special page
on FCNL's web site at
https://dnbweb1.blackbaud.com/OPXREPHIL/Link.asp?link=19726) .
FCNL also accepts credit card donations over the phone. For information about
donating, please contact the Development team directly at development@fcnl.org
(mailto:development@fcnl.org) Thank you.
The FCNL INFOLINE provides announcements and information from the Friends
Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). These messages (1) focus on
legislative work, but do not have a legislative action component, (2) provide
updates on FCNL's work, and/or (3) inform you about resources available from
FCNL. These messages are intended as a supplement to the Legislative Action
Message and other FCNL materials. For more information please contact
Friends Committee on National Legislation
Mail: 245 Second St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795
Email: fcnl@fcnl.org (mailto:fcnl@fcnl.org)
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Congressional Information:
We seek a world free of war and the threat of war
We seek a society with equity and justice for all
We seek a community where every person's potential may be fulfilled
We seek an earth restored
Dear EPIC member:
In his first major televised address since U.S. human rights violations at Abu Ghraib were exposed, President Bush failed to announce any actions that his administration would take proportionate to the evil done.
Tearing down the prison is not enough.
Join EPIC, Amnesty International, Oxfam, National Council of Churches, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Veterans for Common Sense in calling on President Bush to rededicate America to the Geneva Conventions and international law.
Sign the petition today.
We call it HONOR THE LEGACY: a national campaign to restore America’s reputation as a world leader of international law and human rights.
Following the atrocities of World War II, the world understood the importance of strengthening international law to protect civilians and prisoners of war. Yet the Bush administration is moving our country away from upholding the laws once championed by the United States.
According to the Red Cross, the documented torture at Abu Ghraib was part of a “broad pattern” and “system” of unlawful abuses at U.S.-run prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan. Seventy to 90% of those prisoners were the innocent victims of security sweeps.
In addition, coalition forces are failing to live up to their obligations to protect civilians. In April alone, almost 1,000 civilians, including women and children have been killed.
We need your help.
Tell President Bush to declare his administration’s unequivocal support for the foundations of laws, treaties, conventions and institutions that were strengthened by the United States in the aftermath of World War II.
He failed us last night. Don’t let him fail America again.
Thanks for signing on.
Sincerely, Erik, Ashianna, Sara, Matt and Jill
To sign the petition and tell others now, go to: