Dear Amy,
Allegations of threats, humiliation, unfair firings, inequitable wages, and racial discrimination: is this what you’d expect from U-Haul?
Employees in two U-Haul facilities in Nevada reported widespread racial discrimination - in hiring, wages, and day-to-day operations - and fear tactics when the employees began union organizing drives to stop the improper treatment. In little over a year, U-Haul fired 39 workers and closed down one facility in Nevada after the workers began organizing drives.
The Employee Free Choice Act-a bill in Congress quickly gaining momentum-will help fix the broken process through which workers form unions. If Congress passes the Employee Free Choice Act, stronger penalties would be in place to deter violations of labor law. It would also help workers reach contracts quickly and fairly through a mediation process. Tell your members of Congress to support this bill: Take the cases of Jorge Garcia, Salvador Campos, Johnny DeGuzman, and Jesus Jacobo, four U-Haul employees in Nevada. Just hours after a petition was filed to hold a union representation election at their U-Haul facility, these four workers were fired.
U-Haul’s tactics in Nevada didn’t work, though; in May 2003 the employees voted 2:1 for union representation. But more than one year later, the employees still don’t have their first contract because U-Haul has refused to bargain.
If the Employee Free Choice Act were law, it would be much harder for a company like U-Haul to delay bargaining with employees. As the law currently stands, the bargaining process can drag on for years, leaving U-Haul employees without the collective means to fight for improved working conditions and equal treatment. The workers at U-Haul deserve better. Tell your members of Congress to support the Employee Free Choice Act: Thanks for all you do.
American Rights at Work
P.S. To read the U-Haul workers’ full story, check out: