Right now I am in Indianapolis. It's pretty awesome. Me &Chipchong have been bonding. Love it. I'm off to call mah baby. I don't know if it's presumptuous to assume that "you" means me. If you're reading this &you know what I'm talking about. &You DOES mean me, let me know: 401-252-1325
I'm in Nashville, TN. It's Central Standard Time. I've laughed too much over the past two days. "The dangerous 500 pound of Nancy Potter. Half bag, half fort Knox." -James.
Jacob just confessed to "not minding" Nightmare of You. Which in his language, means he likes them. &It just made me really excited. I love him a lot. Even though he won't have sex with me when my vagina is oozing blood. Hahahahahaha. :]