Masterpost - When Angels Deserve to Die
Genre: Drama/Gen/Angst, bit of whump too
Characters: Team Free Will and Lucifer, you might be able to see some Dean/Cas if you read with your shipping goggles on :P
Words: 25,385 total
Notes: Spoilers from 7x17 onwards. Thanks must go to my betas, Zatnikatel on the first chapter and JonJo for the rest. You're awesome :D This is a follow on from
Four Men in a Car (To Say Nothing of the Devil)Summary: The boys are back on the road. Frank has called them for a meeting after gaining some important Leviathan related info... But after taking on Sam's madness Castiel is slowly losing himself to Lucifer.
Chapter One -
There's Something Quieter than Sleep Chapter Two -
Why Do They Shut Me Out of Heaven? Chapter Three -
A Wounded Deer Leaps Highest Chapter Four -
A Prison Gets to be a Friend Chapter Five -
Each Scar I'll Keep for Him Chapter Six -
Hope is the Thing with Feathers Chapter Seven -
Because I Could Not Stop for Death ( link)