- HMD -
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Like how I play Sanji? No? Well, here's the place to tell me exactly what you don't think I'm doing right. Any constructive crit is more than welcome, but pointless flaming will be ignored and likely mocked at my leisure.
Other than that, fire away~! ♥
Threadhopping: Go for it - just keep it appropriate for your character.
Backtagging: Please do. I have the attention span of a gnat, sometimes it will take me a day to formulate a decent response, or a thread won't command my attention immediately. No offense to anyone if you find your thread with Sanji at a stalemate while others are growing. I'm just not able to quickly tag back unless I have the inspiration, so if you're willing to backtag, that would be awesome.
Hugging: Does your character have a vagina? 8D Then yes, Sanji loves hugs. If they are unfortunate enough to be cursed with a penis, expect a concussion... unless they are reaaaaally close. Then they might get away with a quick one.
Kissing: Same as above. If you're a lady, the reaction will be flustered glee. If you're a guy... well. I can only assume you want your character to die. D8
Something more intimate: Considering the setting... contact me if you wanna work something out via lj's messaging system.
Relationships: My motto is "Anything can happen in RP." But I do like relationships to develop naturally. This is only prevalent if your character has a very, very, very close relationship with Sanji, or you think they might have a close relationship in the future. Then just contact me.
... And because someone asked fffff okay, no, I don't mind pairing Sanji up with a guy. XD; I meant the "Anything can happen in RP" thing. They'll just have a much, much, much, muuuuch harder time. /shrug.
Punching: Go for it, if you don't mind kicks to the face. 8Db
Injury: Contact me. I'm VERY lenient with this, so long as we come to a scenario we both feel is reflective of the characters' strength and abilities.
Death: Unless it's something mod-run that has to do with the plot, I'm very inclined to say no. Sanji gets in enough shit without having to die, too.
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character: Sanji is a womanizer. He loves the ladies and places them all on a pedestal of awesome. He also will not hit them under any circumstances. For guys, he's much more crass and blunt but not necessarily impolite unless you piss him off. So yes, for those who don't know his canon, he will treat you very differently depending on your sex.
Anything else, please mention here: If you have any questions or want to plot, please contact me via this journal first, mmkay? |D Private messaging or just leaving a message here is fine.