because your normally not around when its cold! we had to move home because money didnt work out. i miss you. my life is always going to suck. i dont even want to go to the carribean.
you are going to have an excellent time in the Carribean and you are wrong you life isnt always going to doesnt suck now its just not familar realm....the position that you are in currently is where you need to be....progress imerges from this point....believe that these seemly unpleasant events are only unpleasant because they dismiss what you know....where you find comfort....imagine for a moment these events happened so that you recognize your level of emotional toxicity and purge these poisons from you are so beautiful and just a rare need to believe this again....abandon all of these things that compromise you ability to see these thing....just lean on your family and I am always here and your close friends....we are your army and we will battle your unhappiness......listen to you mothers words are designed and crafted at the hand of Wisdom father strength with shun demons of you past.....melody,ashley,and brad they will always be those ears to project emotions
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