chrissy i love you. you mean so much to me lol you made me happy tonight when i wasnt in a good mood.. haah being siamese twins! i love it! i love youuuuu =]
Christina I love you so much, and you're one of my best friends. I absolutely LOVED this entry just to let you know. Those things are so weird to think about- it's so weird and scary. and you made me think like I've never thought before. Props (=
"I think we are all talking about the past because we are realizing that we are spliting up into littler groups and we are not as close as we used to be and that's scary to think about. I think we are just trying to hold on to the past as long as we can. Just remembering it all before it is forgoten and untalked about"
i think that is one of the smartest things you've ever said, i dont think its that our friends aren't close anymore, or anything, i just think its that we got SO close at one point, and we just aren't THAT close anymore, that we think we're all losing each other when really that's not happening, we're really all just maturing, and growing up, and meeting new friends, and that is so not a bad thing at all, but it would be bad if we all stopped hanging out together, but that hasn't happened yet, and i will never allow that to happen, because we are 07, and we rock.<333333
sayignt athat it was one of the smartest things you've ever said, i was directing it towards the whole...topic, cause i do think that we talk about the past just to help us hold on, but i dont think that we really have to hol don is what i was saying, i mean, i think we're growing apart, but not to a point where we're not going to have each other anymore. or we're not gonna be able to all get together and talk about washington..or anytrhing like that.
Comments 12
I love you so much, and you're one of my best friends. I absolutely LOVED this entry just to let you know. Those things are so weird to think about- it's so weird and scary. and you made me think like I've never thought before. Props (=
All my love.
i think that is one of the smartest things you've ever said, i dont think its that our friends aren't close anymore, or anything, i just think its that we got SO close at one point, and we just aren't THAT close anymore, that we think we're all losing each other when really that's not happening, we're really all just maturing, and growing up, and meeting new friends, and that is so not a bad thing at all, but it would be bad if we all stopped hanging out together, but that hasn't happened yet, and i will never allow that to happen, because we are 07, and we rock.<333333
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