Its all hard. All almost impossible. But thats not the point. The point, the essential criteria is that you try. I will never stop worrying... I'm a natural born worrier. But I try not too worry too much. Sometimes it works. Most of the time, it doesn't. But hey, it is always worth the effort.
Comments 4
I liked your Donkey story
Have posted a new Donkey story in my livejournal. Mayhap you will enjoy the moral of that one just as much.
Stay well and happy my friend
2. Almost impossible
3. Getting to that point takes a lot of effort.
4+5... If only people would be like that a whole lot would be different in this world... in all respects.
Take care of yourself...
I will never stop worrying... I'm a natural born worrier. But I try not too worry too much. Sometimes it works. Most of the time, it doesn't. But hey, it is always worth the effort.
maybe that is so...
i found recently that if one doesn't try one will never get anywhere.... you've got to give to get... and that is true in all respects...
i should have realised that a long time ago.
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