Title: Given in Time
Summary: In time...I give it all.
Rating: K
Prompt: Time flying by
Notes: Re-quoting something I said before in a previous post "This was something I wrote in my multiply before and I'm placing it here, since I liked it. XDDDD"
Given in Time
By: Allaynia
In a millenium,
There is nothing to give.
In a century,
I give you nothing.
In a decade,
I give you a glance.
In 5 years,
I give you my name.
In 3 years,
I give you a wave.
In a year,
I give you more than 10 words.
In a month,
I give you some time.
In a week,
I give you a title.
In a day,
I give you a gift.
In an hour,
I give you a smile.
In a minute,
I give you my trust.
In a second,
I give you my life.
In no time at all,
I have already given it all.
Love it. 8D