Title: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Home (1/1)
Pairing: Puck/Kurt (beginning of, anyway)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Glee
Summary: Puck and Kurt accidentally meet up after school.
Disclaimer: Very much not mine, sadly.
Notes: This is from a prompt in the
Glee Prompt Meme Part 2.
cuethe_pulse asked for Puck/Kurt and the prompt was Poison’s “Talk Dirty To Me”.
Here’s the song, if you’d like to listen to it. Also, I’m kind of thinking this is the beginning of a series, possibly based on or inspired by Poison songs.
"You know I never, I never ever stay late. You know that I can hardly wait, just to see you..."
Kurt stopped, paused as he heard music spilling out of the choir room. It was something he didn't really recognize, something that certainly didn't sound current. There was a voice singing along with it, but he couldn't quite make it out. Kurt prayed it wasn't Mr. Shue on some old music kick again. They barely squeaked by the disco fiasco. Kurt wasn't sure how the glee club would be received singing something that apparently was called "Talk Dirty To Me."
He was tentative as he stepped into the choir room, worried he would see his teacher dancing around, possibly playing air guitar. However, much to Kurt's shock, it wasn't Mr. Shue.
It was Puck.
Eyes impossibly wide, Kurt walked fully into the choir room. He knew that Puck didn't expect anyone to find him in here; school was over for the day and most people stayed away from Glee, even if they were gaining popularity points every day that the jocks and Cheerios stayed in. Kurt took the stolen moment to watch Puck dance around. He had his eyes closed, playing air guitar. He was spinning and gyrating, and Kurt quietly thought that with a little polish, Noah Puckerman could actually be a really fantastic dancer. He had rhythm.
Suddenly feeling like a creep, Kurt walked purposefully over to the small boombox on the piano and hit stop. Puck's eyes flew open and he stopped mid turn, just catching himself before he lost his balance. He was panting, sweaty, and flushed, and Kurt had to look away. Somehow over the last few weeks of Puck being in the glee club (and the knowledge that Finn was going to be a father), Kurt's unrequited crush on Finn had fizzled out, but took an even deeper root in Puck.
"Puck," Kurt said, tone just barely condescending. He usually talked that way to Puck. It wasn't so much because he thought he was better than Puck (as was once the case), but because it seemed to amuse Puck. "What are you doing?"
"Talk dirty to me," Puck growled, still panting, still trying to catch his breath.
Kurt flushed, stepping back slightly. That certainly wasn't the answer he was expecting. "I'm sorry?"
"The song," Puck clarified. "Talk Dirty to Me, by Poison."
It was moments like this that Kurt wished he wasn't as pale as he was. The blush always showed on his skin. "Oh," he said, turning his nose up slightly. "Poison. They are an eighties group, aren't they? Why are you even listening to this?" Kurt definitely thought he was better than most of the music that came out of the hair band explosion of the 80s.
Puck stared at Kurt for a long moment. "Poison, seriously? You're asking me why I'm listening to them? It's good music. It's not Metallica good, but it'll get me up and moving." He shook his head, walking towards Kurt. "You really don't like it at all, do you? 'Nothin' But A Good Time'? "Fallen Angel'?"
"Clearly," Kurt said, putting his Marc Jacobs bag on the piano, "you were born in the wrong decade. I can't believe you'd listen to something like this."
Puck propped himself against the piano with his hip. He crossed his arms. Kurt looked away, not caring to be caught staring at the way Puck's arms looked. "I suppose you'd have me listening to show tunes."
Kurt bristled slightly. "I like music other than show tunes, I'll have you know." He raised his nose, huffing quietly. If he were a bird, his feathers would be ruffled. As it were, he almost looked ruffled, and he knew it. Kurt spent far too much time in the mirror perfecting the look. When he was irritated or offended, he wanted everyone to know. "However, there's something to be said about show tunes. Wicked is amazing."
"Hm. I'll take your word for it," Puck said. He pulled his Poison's Greatest Hits CD out of the radio. On a whim, he held it out to Kurt. "Here. Why don't you take it home and listen to it."
Kurt was surprised by the gesture; he knew Puck had to know he wouldn't take it. Except for some reason, he was reaching out to take it. And he actually would listen to it. Kurt was as surprised as Puck obviously was, if the look on his face was any indication. "I can't promise I'll like it though." He opened his bag, pulling out a small sleeve for CDs. He unzipped it and flipped to an open one, sliding the CD in. He half thought of offering Puck the soundtrack to Wicked or Cabaret, but that thought was lost when he felt the warmth of another body against his side.
"Hey," Puck said, suddenly far closer than he had been a moment ago. Kurt watched as he started flipping through Kurt's CDs. "Since you're going to give mine a chance, I'll give one of yours. What do you suggest?"
The day got weirder and weirder. Forget the day, Kurt thought. The whole year was bizarre. He still didn't know how to handle all the changes that had happened since Mr. Shue took over the glee club, but he did his best to handle it with grace. After all, it was what was best, not to let the world see you sweat.
"How about Cabaret? April sang us one of the songs, so you'll recognize that. I think you might like it." He pulled the CD out and handed it to Puck.
Kurt's heart skipped a beat when Puck's fingers brushed against his as he took the CD. "Thanks, Kurt." He turned with a smile, going back to his backpack. Kurt noticed that Puck took great care to put his CD away, making sure that nothing happened to it. "I'll bring it back to you tomorrow." He nodded with his chin - Kurt thought that was Puck's way of waving goodbye - and then he was gone.
Kurt looked down at the Poison CD sitting in his CD case. Yep. Things got weirder and weirder.