005. Chapter One: Once upon a time...in Nazi-occupied France
"Au revoir, Shosanna!"
004. Shosanna gets ready.
See these eyes so green
I can stare for a thousand years
Colder than the moon
It's been so long
And I've been putting out fire
With gasoline
003.Hugo Stiglitz
"The reason for Hugo Stiglitz's celebrity among German soldiers is simple. As a German enlisted man, he killed thirteen Gestapo officers, mostly Majors. Instead of putting him up against a wall, the High Command decided to send him back to Berlin, to be made an example of. Needless to say, once the Basterds heard of him, he never got there.
002. The introduction of the Bear Jew...
"DONNY! We got a German here who wants to die for his country! Oblige him!"
001. The Face of Jewish Revenge
"I have a message for German, that you're all going to die. And, I want you to look deep into the face of the Jew who is going to do it!"
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