application ➢ splendorocity

Feb 09, 2011 21:06

Player Information:
Name: Jaclyn
Journal: alcoholiccoffee
Method of Contact: [ AIM ] Sisulart | [ MSN ] mr.ampersand[at] | [ E-MAIL ][at] | [ LJ PM ]
Previous characters: merelyaweapon; briefly acrimoniously

Character Information:
Full Name: Giselle Oslo - operates under the alias Legretta the Quick as a God-General.
Series: Tales of the Abyss
Canon point: Post-Death (post-Eldrant).
Age: 26.
Species: Human!
Appearance/PB: the magic bullet, regret
Appearance upon arrival: In her alternate outfit she's seen in during Eldrant, and also probably decently injured or exhausted. Being post-death, she'll have just been defeated by the party.

Previous RP memories: None!
Bringing someone along?: Nope.
Character History: Aselia actually has a pretty accurate history for Legretta, despite her (relatively) minor role in the game. It doesn't quite touch on Legretta's past as thoroughly as it should, though. Giselle's brother, Marcel, was sent to fight in the Battle of Chesedonia by Van Grants in the (unnecessary) Daath intervention, and his death had been foretold by the Score. This is the reason Giselle, a mere soldier at the time, swore revenge on Van - he allowed her brother to fight. When she actually encounters him she is defeated quickly by Grants, who proceeds to ask her if she hates him. When Giselle reveals her hatred of the Score, he offers for her to become his personal aide, and Giselle takes on the name of Legretta.

When Legretta becomes Tear's instructor, she intends to use Tear to kill her brother. However, when Legretta learns of Van's tragic past she begins to understand and appreciate him, and through that becomes one of his most trusted allies. Additionally, Legretta also eventually falls in love him.

We'll start with the basics: Legretta is a competent soldier. She is intelligent and calculating, not one to let emotions get to her easily but also not without them. She holds authority and knows how to wield it; she occasionally even bosses around other God-Generals despite being of the same rank. She is exceptionally dangerous and exceptionally strict, as is required of a woman of her stature and position. Legretta prefers bluntness and only says as much as is required; when she encounters the main party in Ortion Cavern she directs the soldiers not to attack the party (under Commandant Grants orders) and instead of explaining simply tells them they'll settle everything at Mt. Roneal.

On the flip side, nearly every time Legretta encounters the party she attempts to get Tear to join the God-Generals and Van. Legretta tutored Tear ever since she was a young girl and is exceptionally fond of her due to being Van's sister as well as a bright soldier with great potential. While Legretta still places her duty to Van and her ideals of a world without the Score first and foremost, she does show some manner of concern for Tear and clearly dislikes the notion of having to fight her. By the battle in Eldrant she seems to recognize trying to convince Tear to join them in futile, but this does not stop her from battling the party; her duties to the Generals and the Commandant come first. She does comment on how unfortunate it is that she'd be the one to kill Tear, and her voice takes on the gentler tone she uses when she is not speaking as a soldier but as a human being.

There are about a thousand things to touch on in her final speeches in Eldrant: her relationship with Van and the basis for it, her strength and resolve as a person, and her relationship with Tear are just a few of them. Legretta states "the Commandant lifted [her] out of loneliness and despair. If this is his wish, then so be it," an example of her devotion to Van. He was someone who also disagreed with the Score, believing human beings shouldn't have their fate set in stone, and due to her past experiences with the Score and her brother's death it's clear why she would naturally be attracted to his ideals. It's not hard to see how his resolve and belief in a world without the Score, one that brought them so near to their goal, would garner the loyalty of not only Legretta but all of the God-Generals who had been scorned by the Score.

In addition, it's been said before that Legretta eventually fell in love with the Commandant. Although Tear believes that by following Van's will, Legretta has no true will of her own, Legretta combats it with the fact that she loved Van and his ideals. Even as she dies, she prays for him to reform the twisted world.

Legretta's belief that the world is twisted comes from, again, the death of her brother. It allowed her to recognize how mindless people were in the dependence of the Score, which sickened her. Legretta is really a remarkably strong and independent woman, and although she does die with Van's will in mind, it is also her own; while many accomplices to villains may be thought of as being "blinded with love," Legretta acts both of her own will and of Van's. She comments that she may indeed miss the original world, but she also brushes it off as people naturally wanting to cling to what they're used to, showing that she understands the new world is a scary experience but also believes it is truly the right thing to do.

Her comments that destroying the original world is necessary due to not everyone having their own will also show how important someone's will really is to her. Will, resolve, independence - all of these things are especially important to Legretta, and these are the things she tries to mentor Tear in. She mentors Tear to become more like her, and thus more like a proper soldier; someone who is able to stand on their own two feet and someone who is capable of thinking calmly and intelligently. This is essentially what Legretta is; she certainly has emotional attachments, especially to Van and Tear, but at the same time she is first and foremost the Major. It requires her to remain tricky, aware, and stoic.

Also in her tutoring of Tear, Legretta tells Tear she must become strong enough to survive and goes to great lengths in an attempt to protect her - or, rather, teach her how to protect herself. Legretta recognizes the cruelty of the world in that many people may attempt to attack her for being Van's sister and warns Tear against it; she also warns Tear the world will be fraught with chaos. (Legretta mentored Tear in Yulia City, apart from the Outer Lands, so Tear's experience with the real world is limited.)

Even Legretta's voice reflects her personality, more often than not a sharp staccato. However, as comment on earlier, when she speaks to someone important like Tear, or about something important - when she begins to seek out and attempt to represent her emotional values - Legretta's voice takes on a much gentler, softer tone. While it's certainly not a motherly coo, it's obvious she is not trying to be harsh as a soldier. The replica Ion once comments in the skit "The True Faces of the God-Generals" on how Legretta apparently was very kind when he met her, although she is strict about her duties. Anise's comments after Legretta's death back up how seriously Legretta takes her role as a soldier; Luke comments that Legretta is a mystery, Anise chiming in with "she never talked much about herself."

The party believes Van's ideals are extreme, but to someone like Legretta who holds nothing but hate for the Score they seem acceptable to her. While it is a poor decision in regards to morality, it should also be considered the deep pain losing her brother must have caused her; we can easily assume Marcel was very important to her, and it's revealed he had a great amount of faith in Van, which makes his death all the worse for Legretta. It should also be considered how important it is to Legretta that people think for themselves. She especially hates the world because the people are like sheep to the Score, and she holds no respect for people like that.

To touch base on her relationship with Van once again as well as to solidify her priorities as a soldier, she does her best to please him and to perform to the best of her ability in order to achieve their goals. She also shows great concern over his ability to control Lorelei later in the game, unsure whether he can control it and insisting he return to Eldrant when it's clear he is injured after suppressing Lorelei. While she constantly addresses him as Commandant and responds to him in a professional manner, never letting it slip that she truly does love him, rare bouts of concern such as this speak volumes for someone as stoic as Legretta.

To wrap up this personality section, she at one point comments on Tear's 'awkwardness'; the ability to be honest and straightforward. She goes on to say these are hindrances in a soldier, and Tear replies that she'd like to be more like the Major. Legretta's response is simple: "To be like me, first stop depending on anyone. Stand on your own. Think for yourself. Make your own decisions on what is necessary and what is not."

Character Abilities: Major Legretta is a force to be reckoned with. Her English title, Legretta the Quick, as well as her Japanese one, Magic Bullet, Regret, are both fairly accurate; she is an extremely agile fighter capable of using both fonic artes and fontech guns. Typically the party's recommended strategy for defeating her is an attempt to gang up on her so she can't target any one person - if she does, they'll be sure to take a beating. She's quick on her feet both physically and mentally, capable of reacting quickly and changing strategies mid-battle. In addition, she typically aims to break apart the formation of a group if she's facing more than one person: divide and conquer.

Her fontech guns never seem to be required to reload and she is shown to have an excellent grasp on fonons, as shown during her mentoring sessions with Tear. Her fonic artes are typically light elemental, but she can also use the high-level water arte Blessed Drops. Her physical defense is high, but she's not by any means impossible to stagger while she casts.

Her unique weapons open a lot of combat options, which include the Rage Laser (fires a penetrating beam of light from her guns) and her Mystic Arte, Prism Ballet (her strongest attack that raises multiple walls of light around her, and ends with her firing a larger version of Rage Laser at the person being attacked after they are hailed with gunfire - both descriptions from Aselia). Her element is light, so it's pretty ineffective against her.

As mentioned above, she is an outstanding soldier in all matters, regardless of whether they are physical, mental, or emotional.
Possessions: two fontech guns, her modified outfit.
Anything else: Not that I can think of.

Action/Communication thread/post sample: [ Van ... Reform this ... twisted world ...

The Major remembered those words distinctly - her last, one hopeful prayer for the Commandant to succeed and free all of them. She knew the pain of fighting Tear in a violent, relentless battle to the death, had perfect recollection of the events on Eldrant, and then the vaguest memory of a music box of some sort.

Breathing was inherently wrong for a dead woman; so was having a pulse, something she checked without second thought and found shockingly present. For every strategy devised, every plot foiled, every careful manipulative trick, she couldn't piece together what had happened - what had brought her here.

Her awe was short-lived, hands dropping calmly to her sides, face taking on the unreadable stoicism she was more than familiar with. A moment later she felt for the key around her neck, eventually noticing the seal as well, and became all the more confused without ever losing her careful composure.

Despite confusion, she walked with the authority and confidence she normally held when navigating out of the City Hall. It didn't take her long to find the notice board, learn all of Splendor's little magic and tricks. She took in a quick breath in preparation to speak before recognizing the folly in that - to become a target, give away associations. Poor form from a God-General.

Instead she thought, and Legretta's thoughts came out very much the same way her speech did, brief and harsh. ]

Arietta, Largo, Dist, Sync [ a careful - very careful and unnoticeable pause ] Asch. [ If her assumptions were correct - ] How many of you are present?

[ And then she realized, too, that staying in one place was just as much a potential threat as revealing anything at this point in time, and took off just as quickly as she came, this time in the direction of her housing. ]

Log/Prose sample: N/A.

game: splendorocity, ooc: application

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