Dear Santa Clause-san... as well as the scientists,
I don't know if I've been good enough this year to deserve presents; I never really wrote things like that in my diary, so I can't be sure. Perhaps the me of yesterday was a better girl than the me of today... oh, that's probably just confusing though. I know it's selfish of me to ask for presents when I'm not even sure, but I'd still like to. I'll understand if you don't give me any though.
In any case, this is my Christmas wishlist for the year:
- a new diary (or a notebook)
- warmer clothes for winter
- pens and/or pencils (either is fine)
- a recipe book
- ... a picture of Renji Asou-kun if it's possible
Thank you, and I hope you have a good Christmas.
Chihiro Shindou
[And with that done, there's nothing more to the post. However, seeing as how Chihiro has spent most of her day at the festival, you can have a few options:
(A) You run into her somewhere in the festival!
(B) You run into her as she's on her way home (either Marshall or Latimir as she may stop by her Marshall apartment to clean up a little)!
(C) You run into her as she's... somewhere, sitting or playing with the snow!
Feel free to commentlog or however you prefer!]