An Update finaly i know lol
it's all under the cut!
ok so here we go lol
lol i didnt want to update untill after global fest but i promised Katrina i would update( i think i kinda scared her with my little break down today. Katrina sorry if i did)
so any way since i wasent going to update i have been writing a list of all the things i wanted to say lol so first on the list lol
Golf Clubs:
So i am forever complaining that my dad never wants to do things with me. well at the first night of fire works at Gails place she started talking about how Chris does all kind's of thing's with Ashley, so i say "yeah My dad never does stuff with me". and i didnt think he had hurd me. So he says Allison yes i do. and i said no, no you dont!. And then he said "well if i dont like doing stuff with you then explain to me why i have been talking to miles at working about buying his girlfriends golf clubs so we can go golfing?" omg i was soo happy lol he kinda said it in a defending his honor kinda way but i dont care the point is daddy wants to go golfing! so giddie about that!
12 teen park:
so next night at the fire works. lol Caylla wants to go see her friends for a little bit lol and mom doent want her to go alone so yippy i'm elected to go. well we went to this little play ground in the trailer park next to Gails. lol it was so funny it was totaly a 12teen stoner park lol i had fun on the merry go round. lol one of crystals friends got all bitchy lol they bought slurppys and pour vodka in them( so 12teen cool Bhahaha) and her drink was on the merry goround lol and i started spining it. she says to me lol your making my Alcohal go farther away from me. Dont do that, i can be a bitch you know. Bahahaha i'm thinking little girl you dont know what bitch IS. but yeah that was funnnny.
Geuss what everyone. I AM GOING TO MEXICO!!!!!! Puerto Vallarta to be exact! i know so cool. i'm really stoked about it( free booze and i get to go wind surfing) haha
any way my little break down today lol
so today about 10:30 i'm at work and Lana called the store. the calgary housing ppl called and they have found a place for her she moves in September 1st. i'm totaly happy for her
my break down was beacuse wendy is scared lana cant pay for the trip anymore since she will be paying her own bills now( the $6000 trip all went on wendys visa and lanas not the best with money management)
so wendy started saying she was going to call the travel place and cancel the trip!!!!:O i know it's whimpy but no one can understand what this trip means to me. well my whole body just felt deflated. i Honestly felt like someone close to me died in that exact moment!
lol i know im a dork. i could not stop crying about it. i tried to talk to katrina but i noticed the time and new she woulded be there so i took the phone i went in the bathroom and put my head between my knees and cry lol i probly cryed for a good 15 mins and then called my Mommy and cryed to her for another 10 while trying to explain why i was crying. mommys always have a way for making it better even though nothing has changed. funny how that works
any way later Corina convinced wendy that lana will pay what she can when mexico comes (125 day left) and then lana will pay wendy 100 each month untill it is paid off. so mexico is still a go! Yippy
thats really all i have to say for now
Hong knog is going to win tomorow i just know it
As for lanas Town house:
i dont know if she will take it for sure. she get's to go see it tomorow. It is in Penbrook ( not the greatest place in Calgary ) and since it is low buget rent, i have hurd there not the nices places. i know how bad she wants to move out and i i'm a little worried she will make a rash choice. but it's not mine to make right.