You Know i'm Board When
The letter A
Are you available? yes
What is your age? 22 on Saturday
What annoys you? customers who put in an order on Wendsday and want it on friday
The letter B
Do you live in a big house? Nope
When is your birthday? in 3 day's
Who are your best friends? Caylla, Lana, Katrina, Melissa, Lindsey
The letter C
What's your favorite candy? Gummie Life savors
Do you have a crush? Puro Always lol
When was the last time you cried? I dont remember
The letter D
Do you daydream? too Much
What's your favorite kind of dog? Little one's lol big dag's scare me
What day of the week is it? Wednesday
The letter E
How do you like your eggs? over easy
Have you ever been in the emergency room? lol to many time's 2 broken arms a broken leg and i steped on a toothpick and put it right through my foot
The letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? No but mexico here i come
Do you use fly swatters? no fly ribbon
Have you ever used a foghorn? i dont even know what that is
The letter G
Do you chew gum? yes
Are you a giver or a taker? giver
Do you like gummy candies? yes
The letter H
How are you? good a little sleepy and my back is a bit sore from a long day at work lol
What's your height? like 5'8
What color is your hair? brown naturaly but it's black at the moment
The letter I
What's your favorite ice cream? Vanilla with crushed ginger snaps ontop
Have you ever ice skated? yes
Do you play an instrument? i played the recorder in grade 4
The letter J
What's your favorite jelly bean? the wattermelon jelly belly
Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? yes
Do you wear jewelry? yes but not often
The letter K
Do you want kids? someday
Where did you have kindergarten? Cappy Smart ( named after calgarys first fireman)
The letter L
Do you lie? i find in my " line of work " the need to be a supreme bull shitter is nesesary
When was your last kiss? Dont remember how wrong is that.
The letter M
Whats your favorite movie? Peter Pan
Do you like mangos? Yes but it's to much work to eat peal them
What's something you always want more of? Movies
The letter N
Do you have a nickname? Alley, Al, Cinderella
Whats your favourite number? i dont have one
Do you prefer night over day? Yes
The letter O
Whats your one wish? to Work to Live not live to work
Are you an only child? no
Do you wish this was over? Naw it's a good way to waste time!
The letter P
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Thee Unknown
What are your pet peeves? too many to name
Whats a personality trait you look for in people? good sense of humour
The letter Q
Whats your favorite quote? "to many going through my head to name"
Does time seem to pass quickly or slowly? depends On the day
Are you quick to judge people? Never Judge untill given a reason to
The letter R
Do you think you're always right? Yes lol Not really but wish i was
Do you watch reality tv? hehe love it
What's a good reason to cry? too many.
The letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain? Rain
Do you like snow? Only when you look up into the sky and see it Falling but when it's on the ground it's just snow
What's your favourite season? Fall.
The letter T
What time is it? 11:12
What time did you wake up? 7:30am
When was the last time you slept in a tent? July 2006
The letter U
Are you wearing underwear? ummm Yes
Do you prefer underwear or thongs? I prefer not to answer that on the internet
Underwear or boxers? on guys boxers
The letter V
Whats the worst veggie? Lima Beans
Where do you want to go on vacation? Mexico!
The letter W
What's your worst habit? I dunno
Where do you live? Calgary
What's your worst fear? Lossing my mom or dad
The letter X
Have you ever had an x-ray? Many
Have you seen the x-games? On TV
Do you own a xylophone? Uh
The letter Y
Do you like the colour yellow? Yes
What year were you born in? 1984
The letter Z
Whats your zodiac sign? Scorpio
Do you believe in the zodiac? Not really
What's your favorite zoo animal? Penguin