Title: Do Not Go Gentle...
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Genre: Action, Mystery, Psychological
Pairings: 3x4, 1(insert symbol)4
General Disclaimer: The Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing universe is owned by Bandai, Sunrise, the Sotsu Agency and other people who are not me. This story is for free entertainment purposes only. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night is by
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Comments 8
Thans for this chapter. I'm still very much loving this fic ^_^
I actually read this from the beginning last month in a bit of a binge, and have been remiss in letting you know just how stellar this is. Your writing is so completely transporting. It's rare to find setting so thoughtfully detailed and well executed, but - man - I felt like I've been right there with Quatre every creepy, scary minute - and the lovely ones too. Everything is so vivid, from emotions to smells.
I'm so worried for Heero (Oh, Heero! Please be okay!) and Quatre, and even Trowa who's just so much everything I love about Trowa, patiently accepting Quatre and his issues. I especially also love the science fiction elements. Nanotech! I really hope to see more of this soonish, though I know full well I have no stalker rights whatsoever! <3
/fangirly flailing
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