App for abaxrpg

Nov 13, 2011 00:30

player information.

name: Maus
are you over 18?: Still 24
personal lj: ronsencock
email/msn/aim/plurk/etc: / rlylikesclocks / ronsencock
characters in abax: Charles Xavier groovy_mutation

in character information.

series: Hanna is Not a Boy's Name
name: Doc Luce Worth
sex: Male
age: 34
height: 6'5"
weight: 148 (he's not the most healthy individual nor does he take good care of himself, drugs, bad things you know)
canon point: Chapter 3
previous cr: NOPE

Besides that not too much is known about Worth's backstory. If one goes digging they can find tid bits that are Word of God, and thus are completely and totally true. Though don't shed too much light on the good doctor, just interesting facts to know.
While Worth may be filthy and live in a back alley, he grew up high class, which apparently was too boring for him. So living in a dump and not having decent hygiene is much more exciting. But if your, most likely, only client is Hanna, then it probably is more exciting. He also has a sister (who he's pretty protective of), though she's yet to make any appearance in the comic itself.

So far in the comic he's gotten into fisticuffs with Conrad, become said vampire's meal ticket, and 'patched' up Hanna. Though none of the real 'patching' up is shown. He's shown with some unlabeled medicine that he gives to Hanna, but what it does and what it is exactly is never determined or explained.  Oh and received a nice bill from his pal Lamont for his 'supplies'. How Lamont gets these, we might never know. Also crammed into a car to go on a rescue mission for Hanna and gotten shot at by a crazy man with a ferret. Among other things, he's been dirty, disgusting, hilarious and crude. But that's just Worth for you.

It's never explained in the comic, not yet at least, but apparently Worth really dislikes ghosts. Or Hanna doing anything with them.  Bad experience perhaps? Most likely, this is Hanna we're talking about.

personality: To put it bluntly, Worth is an asshole. Or he at least works very hard at keeping that reputation. Not that he needs to.  Crude, rude and not afraid to say what he wants when he wants, Worth is not exactly the most friendly human being on the planet. Then again he's not the worst either. He's got a sense of humor that is wicked and sharp, and for the most part goes right along with his crude behavior.

When it comes to friends, or acquaintances,  he's much of the same. Though there are hints that he might have a decent bone in his body here and there. One point being when Hanna is brought in after being violently possessed by a ghost, he speaks to {...} about how Hanna is always like that. Always rushing headlong into shit without thinking or worrying about his own health. So he asks {...} to in a sense watch over Hanna and keep him in one piece. If that is humanly possible. But {...} is a zombie so maybe it is. But it shows that Worth does care, to some degree, for people. Though he's rotten at showing it for the most part. Not that he particularly cares.

If anything it seems that being a dick to people he 'cares' for is his way of showing just that. More so shown with his friend Lamont. They go back to their childhood, and it seems that Worth beating the other on a consistent basis is a normal part of said friendship.  Hard love is apparently Worth's only way of showing affection, if you want to even call it that.

Beware if this 'good' doctor is bored. You'll most likely become his target for harassment of the dickish kind. Not that he can do any other sort. He seems to get a thrill out of generally pissing people off, especially those who react to it. The more angry and violently the reaction the better. Trying to ignore his goading will most likely just result in him trying harder, and probably a huge headache. Tread lightly and as far away from this man as possible. Unless you need slip shot shoddy doctoring.

abilities/powers:He's a drop out med student who runs a shady alley practice... and probably bathes when he feels like it (only on full moons most likely). Abilities are being a super douchebag. So no real supernatural abilities since he's human... from what we know so far. He has basic to medium medical knowledge from years of doing his shady practice and 'learning', probably from reading up and using Wikipedia. He seems to be able to concoct is own drugs, that he uses on Hanna, and assuredly himself. He looks fabulous in fur trimmed coats. That's not an ability? Sure it is.

first person sample:
[Video | English]

Anyone in this paradise have any smokes? I ain't picky on the brand, I jus' need a few. If I'd known I was gonna be transported t'another planet I woulda packed better. [Sarcasm drips form his words. He knew he should have put that second pack in his coat pocket and the easy button out of this place.]

I don't know what anyone would want that I got, unless ya like sharp shiney shit? [Because fuck if he would trade his drugs, what little he had left, for anything... even nicotine.] Got a couple scalpels, the doctor variety. A little used, but nothin' a bit a soap an' water can't wash off, right? If ya can find any ah that 'ere.

If that ain't t'yer likin' I'm sure we could work somethin' out, eh? Surely a man with my talents an' skills could offer someone somethin' that they could profit from. [He's grinning from ear to ear, biggest shit eating grin someone could ever have.]

third person sample:
Worth never deluded himself into thinking he was a great doctor. He knew he wasn't one, knew he'd probably never be one. But with someone like Hanna in his life? He got all the practice he ever needed if he ever wanted to go legit. Case in point now: Hanna had got into another tiff with something supernatural, his circus of pals having been no help as usual, or so he thought. So the redhead was sitting on the cold metal table in his 'office', while he sewed up a few nasty cuts. Of course Hanna did nothing but whine the entire time.

"Woooorth... ya done yet?" For someone who insisted they were twenty-four, he acted nine. Stopping to glare up at Hanna, Worth shifted his cigarette to the other side of his mouth, poking him in the arm on purpose.

"Y'ask again an' I'm jabbin' this needle in yer eye." A threat, though he'd never actually do it... maybe. Well, not to Hanna. There was something about the kid, as much as he wasn't one for keeping people around, Hanna had wormed his way into his life and there was no getting rid of him now. He might even have a soft spot for him. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"Geeze, grumpy. I brought you business and you still complai-- OW! HEY!" Having been poked again, Hanna yelps, getting another angry look from his doctor.

"Yer not business, yer a pain in my ass. Zip yer lips an' let me finish would ya? The sooner I get this done the sooner ya can run right back into trouble. The sooner I'll see yer Jolly Green giant carryin' ya through my door cause y'were a bloody idiot." Grumbled, because it was never ending with Hanna. Since he'd gotten the zombie as his partner, and run into Conrad and everyone else, it had been a downward battle in keeping Hanna in one piece. Bad enough his partner fell apart and he had to sew him up too. Plus supply Conrad with blood. He could only imagine what the next supernatural misfit Hanna picked up would need from him.
Finishing up, he'll grab a unmarked bottle from the tray behind him, and pop it open, thrusting a couple pills at the redhead.

"Ya know the drill, kiddo. Eat up." Hanna complains but does as told. "An' don't pick at yer stitches either!" Preemptive chiding, because he knows Hanna will. The redhead will hop down from the table and wave wildly as he runs out the door, yelling a 'Thanks Worth see ya later!".  Snorting, Worth will rub at his face, tossing the needle and thread out.

"Probably will. Idiot."



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