Title: Toi que je veux
Pairing: Steve/Danny (but their ciswoman counterparts)
Rating: PG-13
Length: 4,658
Notes: I am imagining Danny, god help me, as a shorter, more compact Nadia Giosia; and Steve as... well, as Steve. I don't actually have an actress in my head for her; she just looks like a slightly less buff Alex O'Loughlin with long hair. I don't know what that says about me or O'Lough. Chin's got a Joan Chen kind of thing going, but a little butcher and more severe, and Kono (who is strangely uninteresting to write as a dude) is sort of like John Cho but more puppyish. If that makes sense.
Notes cont'd: Title from the France Gall song.
Summary: Whatever, Steve, Danny thinks, you know you're hot, I know you're hot, did nobody ever tell you it's a dick move to tease your dyke friend?
Posted at the
h50_flashfic comm for the challenge "Beginnings and Endings" (apparently I am not creative enough to interpret this as anything but the beginning of a relationship).
"Chin," Danny says for the hundredth time in recent memory, "I have a perfectly good car that seats four, even five people if they're small and don't mind being a little cramped. Is this strictly necessary?" Full text will be up here once the challenge ends.