Sat, 12:03: RT @ HillaryWarnedUs: "The future of America really depends upon what we do in November. If we take back one or both Houses, which I pray we…
Fri, 20:56: RT @ peterdaou: I'm going to repeat this: EVERYTHING we're seeing today that the mainstream media is belatedly waking up to, was predicted a…
Sat, 09:43: RT @ shiphitsthefan: Swim class: "He's silly!" the little girl says, pointing at my kid. "I want to play with him." "Be gentle," says her g…
Sun, 12:29: RT @ kurteichenwald: Clinton on Benghazi: you can ask me anything you want. I’ll sit for 11 hours of questions before one congressional comm…
Sun, 12:35: RT @ jk_rowling: Made all my own money, never been investigated for collusion and can go a whole sentence without lying. Swings and roundabo…
Thu, 16:04: RT @ tedlieu: My statement on the retirement of Justice Kennedy. “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Su…
Thu, 16:35: RT @ repjohnlewis: Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a mont…
Tue, 18:28: RT @ careyhelmick: LADIES imagine this: it's 15 years from now. you have five marriageable daughters with no fortune of their own and a husb…
Fri, 22:58: RT @ stealthygeek: You watched a generation grow up on a diet of Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Marvel movies, you stripped away their hope…
Tue, 06:56: RT @ DavidKHarbour: Internet, listen... I’m a giver. I give and I give. But now I need you. I need 200k retweets to go dance with penguins.…