-My family, irritating as they can be.
-Not getting thrown out on my ass when I admitted I like girls.
-Not getting thrown out on my ass when I admitted I also liked guys.
-The cultists
-Friends who love me
-Friends who talk to me
-Awesome CTY memories that I can dig back up when I need to
-All the colleges and universities who send me stuff- it makes me feel important and wanted
-The insane amount of food I have, both in my stomach and in the fridge, cabinets, etc
-the cats, for being lap-warmers, companions, and amusement
-books and my literacy
-happy memories of times long past
-not-so-happy memories of times long past
-my education, and the fact that it is continuing
-my school
-all the stuff I have- I don't deserve it, don't need it, sometimes don't even want it, but I have it and that's more than too many people can say
-music, for providing an escape from reality
-TV/movies/theater, for providing another escape from reality
-to my ex's, for teaching me about people and myself and all the happy (and not-so-happy memories)
I'm probably forgetting tons of stuff. So, I'm thankful for everything.