Title: Finally
Author: alliemulder2
Pairing: Booth/Brennan, Jack/Angela
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Words: 692
Spoilers: slightly for Santa in the Slush, Season 3 finale
Summary: Just a short hopeful vision
Title: Finally
Author: alliemulder2
Pairing: Booth/Brennan, Jack/Angela
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Spoilers: slightly for Santa in the Slush, Season 3 finale
Summary: Just a short hopeful vision
“I know what I am doing Booth. I am an adult woman, not to mention a genius. They will never know about the other. Why do you have such a problem with this anyway? We are partners remember, just partners. I have to go now, so move.” She looked up at him and saw the change in his eyes. He was not looking at her as he usually did, this was not his normal look. Brennan could tell by the tilt of his head and the tension around his orbits that his was displeased with her. She did not focus on his eyes, they were telling her things she could not handle.
He wanted this, she thought. He wanted to be just partners and all I have ever wanted was more, well now it’s his turn to suffer.
He stood rigid and the anger radiated like sound waves all around the room. He knew that he shouldn’t care what she does with who or how, but this bothered him to the core. She just could not really be seeing and “with” two men right? As he looked down into her eyes he saw the desperation she was trying to hide from him. He bored into her core with his eyes and finally saw it. That thing he was hiding from, he could not have ever believed he would see it and feel it with her. Love.
Angela watched as Booth and Bones moved closer, she knew what was going on and could only watch as they finally realized exactly what they mean to each other. She felt Jack come and stand beside her captured by the scene before them. He leaned to whisper in her ear, “It’s amazing when you find it, remember when we realized that. I love you Ange.” He then shifted to lightly kiss her cheek.
Brennan began to panic. She saw the glory radiating from his eyes, and knew that she was in real trouble now. As his lips lingered a half-breath away she began to tremble. This kiss would change everything, but she did not know if she was ready for all this would do.
Booth saw her panic but continued to move in slowly, allowing her the chance to move. He did not know if he was ready for this but he wanted this kiss. Their first one haunted him daily. The day she barged in on him in the bathroom, every moment they became closer to this very kiss. He stopped and whispered, “No going back Bones,” then captured her lips. Tender at first, learning her softness and then the love flowed. The kiss opened the soul and let the passion flow. They began to pull at each-other trying to get closer.
Brennan lost herself completely. She could not think at all which was very unusual for her. As she began to resurface she could hear her squints, her family applauding them. She quickly moved back breaking the pull and began to blush a deep raspberry.
Booth felt her pull away with her lips but kept her locked in his arms. He could hear the applause bouncing of the walls of the lab. Some people even said “finally” he had to agree with them. He noticed Bones’s blush and could not believe it. He never thought she was one to blush over anything. He leaned towards her ear and remarked about it, “Nice color Bones, we did give them quite a show huh?”
Brennan could not believe how embarrassed she was and especially since he remarked on it. She tried to get away from his arms, but he held her firm. She felt the anger begin to rise up and looked up at his face. His lips were still red from their kiss, as she looked into his eyes and saw the laughter, she pushed harder. Moving back close to her ear she quit moving and he knew just what to say.
“Finally, Bones we are here. You are not running away from me. I am there and I know you are, so I’m going to say it first… I love you, love you Bones.”
Let me know what you think!!!!