Meet Mummy Elephant and Grunge Ted!
Grunge Ted, looking mean and moody.
I'm really pleased with the skull and crossbones. I printed a design, used it as a pattern to cut out the felt and drew the details on by hand.
Mummy Elephant! About four times as big as Baby Elephant and just as cute.
I think I may have solved the problem of splaying out legs. It's not so very noticeable on the smaller ellies, but Mummy Elephant sits on her belly, so I put some stitches in to draw the legs in.
Next project, a baby elephant to go with Mummy. And I'm also making an ipad cover in the Sunshine Daisies style (you know who you are *nods in direction of she who inspired*).
And it's the end of term! Yay! Apart from one more concert tonight. And reports due in after the holidays... *sighs*