You forgot about the last few minutes of a haircut. S/he comes around to the front to make sure everything's even and is pulling at your temples and your cheeks while you're just sitting there, with nothing to stare at but your own nose. I used to take my glasses off for haircuts (pre-contacts) which meant I could emit a blank stare during this portion, although it meant I went through the whole process blind and could only examine the work when it was too late...
what about on the airplane? some chatting while the plane is taking off or landing is acceptable, but you don't want to hear all the dirty laundry of some stranger's family vacation mid-flight, while you're listening to your ipod and trying to sleep. i think this happens more in the side of the plane with 2-seats than the 3-seaters.
ooh allie, that reminds me of a post of where i didn't know how to react to getting my hair washed at the salon. do i tell her that she's giving me a headgasm with the head massage? do i just count the tiles on the wall? do i ignore the soap seeping into my brain via my ear?
and some types of meat: bologna, throbbing members
Comments 3
and some types of meat: bologna, throbbing members
that's all i got.
can't wait to see you!
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