Well the memory on my camera-phone is like full to the max again so I decided to downlaod some to the computer. So here they are....
I will explain. lol. Ok well Scottie and I were at 7-11 and the coke slurpee was leaking and it looked really gross (we thought it looked like chicken on a grill) so we took a picture of it. Haha.
This is when Kell and I went to Genji's for her birthday. Yeah and that is Sushi that she is eating. :]
That is just chicken. lol.
This was when Trav was, shall we say, 'not himself.'
When Ben was doing this in Andrea's front yard, Kevin's (her little brother) bus pulled up in front of the house...haha.
This is when my hair was long. =O
Kelly, Renee, Al, Dom, Jessie, and I were Maze Masters!!
Isn't that the sickest thing you've ever seen? Me too. lol.
Eddie hates me. haha.
I don't get why this picture's so small, but it's still funny.
Ok now they're all small, but anyways I already explained this picture at Subway haha.
Sillies. p.s. is that Jason in the background? haha.
The scary thing is I don't know who took this picture or how it got on my phone. =\
This is when my hair was long too. Woah these pictures are so old. (and they got big again! haha)
What can I say, Kyle, Kell, Billy, and I were bored on the way to the show.
Ok well that's all for now. :] Have a good day.