Title: Drawing Pictures in the Sand
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort
Character/Pairing: Puck/Rachel
Disclaimer: I own nothing. =(
Drawing Pictures in the Sand
Chapter 1
She’d been on Broadway, she’d heard the cheers, she’d drowned in the empty faces but everything had fallen on deaf ears at some point. She couldn’t bring herself to care. Not anymore. Shifting her bag on the other shoulder she walked through the empty halls of the airport.
It had been Mr. Schue who once made her understand what Home is where your heart is really meant.
There had been a time when she thought everything she ever needed would be her voice. This had been the time she had been thinking in notes.
Beat. Bar. Metrum. Rhythm.
The cheers of the masses…An euphony locked somewhere deep inside her head.
She tried to remember when it happened, when everything became so much more than she was able to bear. Sometime in between.
There were a few things that she knew.
There was a plan for everyone in this life. It wasn’t made by some supernatural force. In fact it simply was…
A car slowed down in front of her and she hesitated for a moment. Blinking against heavy raindrops she grabbed her bag and balanced it in her hand. She looked down, just for a second. Rachel Berry wasn’t used to humble gestures. But just Rachel was.
A pair of purple boots came into her view and she forced herself to look up. It wasn’t like they weren’t friends anymore, but she hadn’t seen him in an eternity. Yet, he still looked like five years ago.
The smile on his face was the same like the one all these years ago. Careless. Free. Like living was still easy. She was pulled into a major hug. The soft scent of raspberries infiltrated her nostrils and she realized that maybe they weren’t as close as she thought. Not anymore. Never been.
Again she seemed to drift away. A hand on her shoulder helped her focus. For the moment. She turned her back to the airport and got into the car, leaving behind what once was her life.
The city was passing like flashlights in September. It reminded her of something. A boy with soft lips and a heart melting smile. But it also could’ve been an illusion, because memories were washed away like blood under a cold shower spray.
There had been a time she prayed to god. Asking him for grace, love, sympathy, forgiveness. But his absolution has stand revealed to have no benefit for her.
Her smudged eyeliner turned her into one of those creatures she’d always been afraid of. The monsters that were hiding under her bed when she was a child. Not fictional. Not real. Something in between. And even though nobody had ever believed her some of them were still hunting her in her dreams.
When they arrived at the hospital it seemed so different form any of the others she’d been in and there had been plenty in the last couple of month.
Swaying slightly she sat down on a chair. Brown strains were glued to her pale cheeks and she tried to remember the time when the better part of her had disappeared. Somewhere between now and then. Eventually.
It was the first time he spoke. Kurt’s voice sounded odd to her ears, like little stones were crunching under her shoes somewhere in the desert. Just… out of place. Desperately she tried to find her voice, find a way to express herself, but something had just locked her into a self-made cage.
Kurt watched her, while she was still staring at the ground. For a second he tried to figure out what his “used-to-be” friend was thinking but her expression was blank. It had always been easy to read Rachel. The sparkling eyes, the giddy face and the funny moves. Maybe she was someone else…at this time.
Only heavy mist separated him from the person he tried to remember, from happy days and joyful lives. This had been the time he’d been able to smile, to cry - just being human.
“They say everything’s ready.”
Rachel nodded and got onto her feet, stumbling down the halls, never letting go of Kurt Hummel’s hand. They stopped in front of a room, covered with balloons and plush dolls. The walls were a rainbow and just looking at it made her want to cry.
She looked at her friend and a fake smile appeared on her face. If he hadn’t known her better, he’d actually believed her. She’d always been an excellent actress.
Slowly she opened the door and went in.
“Hey there sugar pie.”