Sep 20, 2014 12:05
- Fri, 12:30: I think I asked this last Fall, but seriously, has anyone bought a pair of non-leather boots/shoes that haven't fallen apart in a year?
Sep 17, 2014 12:06
- Tue, 20:48: RT @ gingergreymusic: The label on my hand lotion says it's "70 percent organic." Makes me think the other 30 percent is drain cleaner, or s…
- Tue, 20:53: Really, the only Torontonians who are benefitting from this whole thing right now are the ones who run Doug Ford parody accounts. #topoli
Sep 16, 2014 12:05
- Tue, 10:55: Writing something about 'punk parenting' as a favour to a friend and feeling like a bit of an imposter as I sit at my 9-5 job here. Hmm.
Sep 14, 2014 12:05
- Sat, 20:54: "don't text me on Saturday night unless you are ok with getting like 37 nonsensical texts in response" I said to my sister.
Sep 10, 2014 12:05
- Wed, 09:11: City of Toronto parks and rec registration success! Feels so good to accomplish my one goal for the day at 7:10am.
- Wed, 09:17: In which the mayor of Toronto excuses the actions of a rapist with, "hey, nobody's perfect!". Is it October yet? #topoli
Sep 09, 2014 12:05
- Tue, 10:16: Rode a new streetcar for the first time. Everyone on it was just kind of smiling and looking around, drinking it all in.
- Tue, 11:01: I can't be the only slightly crunchy-granola mom who finds waldorf dolls kinda creepy, right?