this one is a good one, you should steal it
Today Did You--
1. Talk to the boy/girl you like?
2. Realize anything new?
well, i was reminded of how much i love my boyfriend, friends, and roommate!!!
3. Talk to an ex?
4. Miss someone?
5. Slept in your bed?
me and the boy
6. last person that saw/heard u cry?
my boy
7. You went to the movies with?
9. You said "I love you" to
10.Who made you laugh?
11. Said they loved you?
12. Called you in the middle of the night?
drunk nora
13. Have a crush on?
14. What book are you reading now?
i know this much is true
15. Best feeling in the world?
knowing that lauren is giong to love me no matter what
16. Favorite location?
17. piercing/tattoos?
7 in my ears
18. What are you most scared of right now?
the unknown
19. Where do you want to get married?
somewhere pretty, surrounded by loved ones
20. Who do you really hate?
hahaha oh livejournal, you know me better than that
21. Does anyone really hate you?
oh geez i am sure
22. Do you like being around people?
well i am human
23.Have you ever cried?
ummm no, never stupid ass
24. Are you lonely right now?
25. Song stuck in your head right now?
all out of love - air supply
26. Been on radio or TV?
28. Ever liked someone who treated you like crap?
umm for a short period of time, then i met the man of my dreams (i know gag but still)
29. How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
only one
30. What kind of shirt are you wearing right now?
an old football hoodie
32. How much cash do you have right now?
like $10.64
36. What did you have for dinner last night?
chili that rodney was delicious
39. Are you a member of
i dont know what that is
40. Do you have plants in your room?
gross no
41. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
my knee still sorta hurts from my spill on new years
42. Where was your last cab ride?
new years
43. What's your favorite Dunkin Donuts drink?
44. Would u have a problem with a friend dating ur ex?
i dont really have an ex but i dont like the idea of line crossing