Something my mom sent to me...

Apr 18, 2005 23:05

Hey this, it totally rocks! And in my case makes me feel better. MUCH LOVE

Typoglycemia ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

polarbear1986 April 18 2005, 21:55:22 UTC
I've read things like this before, but I love your comment.


polarbear1986 April 18 2005, 21:55:51 UTC
I just realized you spelled it wrong, too. hahahaha


christianbeauty April 19 2005, 09:39:03 UTC
Cool passage. I should definately show it to my English prof and let her get a kick out of it. *hahaha* Yes, yes, I'm evil.:P


jaser April 19 2005, 20:50:35 UTC
Hey I saw that at the bookstore once. Very badass. I didn't know the name for it though. Much thanks.


barbieluvsken04 April 20 2005, 09:00:37 UTC
It's a hoax. Some words don't work.


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