> -----Original Message-----
> From: [Alisa Moore]
> To:
hopecrashes@aol.com> Sent: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:35:09 -0400
> Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: FW: Part-time Art Instructor] FYI]
> Hi,
> Here is the info I promised. Hope you cand sign on and find out what a great
> job teaching and loving little guys can be.
> Your very proud other mom,
> Mama Moore
> From:
hopecrashes@aol.com> Date: 2005/10/05 Wed PM 09:26:06 EDT
> To: [Alisa Moore]
> Subject: Re: Part-time Art Instructor] FYI]
> Dear Mama,
> How would I get ahold of Mrs. Terri-lady? Or, rather, do you know how I'd
contact whoever to get a position? I went the website, but it's a little
overwhelming. I could find my way around, but if you knew, you know.. like,
insider information, that'd be pretty snazzy, too. If not, I'm still forever in
your debt for le information. Or, maybe, I'll just bring you some dark chocolate
on Monday. Whichever. (PRobably the chocolate, as I'm not too keen on living
solely to serve you. You know how it is.)
> Thanks for any and everything!
> Your other daughter,
> Julie
> ps.
> dad's doing great. He came home the very next day. He'll go back to get
another check up in about six months. Hopefully, he'll be dandy.
> pps.
> 600 thread count sheet sets at Value City for only $60.00. Not too bad, if you
ask me. mmkay, byeforrealnow.
> From: [Alisa Moore]
> To:
hopecrashes@aol.com> Sent: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 18:35:09 -0400
> Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: FW: Part-time Art Instructor] FYI]
>Check out Khols for the cheap sheets. Bob payed $50.00 for extra long Kings. I
will try to find the ladies number and email ya later. Dark choc is the bomb.
It's so good for ya. Love you my other daughter.