
Sep 01, 2005 14:23

Jim Bramlett
Aug 31, 2005

Katrina: interesting facts

1. Southern Decadence 2005, an annual Labor Day weekend homosexual celebration of debauchery was scheduled to begin this week in New Orleans with at least 100,000 perverts gathering there to commit unspeakable acts in public. Previous events were photographed and sent to the mayor and police officials but they did not care. They had their own lust: The $100,000,000 the event brings in. (Thanks to Jan Markell for this information.) Event postponed, hopefully indefinitely.

2. Gaza and Katrina. At the exact same time last week that 8,500 Gaza residents were being expelled from God's covenant land under unrelenting U.S. pressure, hurricane Katrina began churning in the Atlantic, targeting the U.S. Coincidence? I don't think so.

In Florida, 850,000 people were without power (8,500 X 100 = 850,000, a hundredfold).

In Mississippi, more than 850,000 were also reported without power, and about 8,500 people were in shelters. More damage in Louisiana.

Cause and effect, based on Genesis 12:3? Many insist yes. You be the judge.

More cause and effect...

3. Katrina in Hebrew. According to Rabbi Laser Brody, Katrina, written in Hebrew, has a numerical equivalent of 374. He says two relevant passages in Torah share the exact numerical equivalent of 374. One says, "They have done you evil" (Genesis. 50:17), and the other says "The sea upon land" (he says Exodus 14:15, but not in my Bible; maybe v. 16). Rabbi Brody says, "The former passage may be an indication as to the spiritual cause of Katrina, while the latter passage describes the physical manifestation."

Rabbi Brody also says, "Katrina is hitting just as the bulldozers are completing the destruction of Gush Katif. The Talmud teaches that Hashem administers the world according to the "ATFAT" principle, in other words, "a turn for a turn"…. My heart tells me that there's a link between the forced expulsion of 8500 people from their blood, sweat, and tear-soaked homes in Israeli Gaza and between the nearly 850,000 people who are forced to flee from their homes in Louisiana. See

4. More birth pangs. Katrina is probably the greatest disaster ever to hit the United States. The human suffering and physical destruction are incomprehensible. This comes just eight months after the Asian tsunami, maybe the greatest disaster ever to hit the world since ancient asteroid strikes. Jan Markell calls it intensified birth pangs, that gradually intensifying end-time phenomena referred to in the Bible.

If there were eight months between these two birth-pang events, how many fewer months will there be before the next?

Katrina was apocalyptic. While a nuclear bomb would have cost more lives, Katrina probably did more structural damage than several nuclear bombs!

Nuclear bombs may be next on the agenda, according to some informed observers. There is evidence that they are already in the hands of the terrorists and hidden cells in the U.S. are just waiting for orders to use them. There may not be much time.

5. What it means. The return of the Lord Jesus Christ is near. There has never been a time when it is more important to be ready, obedient, faithful, and watchful.

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words" (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18).

Be comforted!

Jim Bramlett

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