Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
onikins 1. Where've you been, lately?
2. When're you comin' back?
3. Are you happy, livin' here?
4. Did you like your presents?
5. You'd better be safe, y'hear? (That's not a question, Oni)
1. Anya and I went east through Arizona and New Mexico, then wiggled northwards up to Colorado and Utah! It's GORGEOUS in Utah!
2. When the news finally starts talkin' about LA again or when I get the All Clear on the souped-up cell. I left my number on the fridge!.
3. Why?! Don't I look it?! *ohshit has she been acting ungrateful?!*
4. I don't think I ever got that many presents in one, birthdays or Christmas or anything. The knife's even in The Bag. There are only five personal effects in The Bag.
5. Yes?
no_prey_remains 1. Still mad 'bout that pie?
2. Plannin' t' do anythin' after th' vampires are gone?
3. Anythin' you like t' do for fun?
4. Favorite food? *this may or may not be a way to make up for the pie*
5. You ain't gonna tease Ani 'bout th' Christmas presents, right? It'd take me forever t' coax her outta her room again. She got th' Slim Jims back.
1. I nurse my grudges. It's a skill you can't really help but pick up in Homes.
2. If either of my jobs are still standin', I'd like to get back to work. I don't like havin' nothin' to do...and I like no-money less. Maybe catch that new Denzel Washington flick. It looks badass and I'm pretty sure Oni'd hit that if she could.
3. I LOVE trawlin' flea markets! S'like dumpster diving, but a teeeny bit more hygenic! There's all that nifty junk and nobody ever notices if a doorknob or a little glass Bambi goes missing. Sometimes you even find honest-to-goodness valuable stuff.
4. Pop Tarts. Nature's perfect food! All that energy in one convenient foil-wrapped package...and now they make organic ones!
5. Well, not 'bout yours, anyway. I think it's sweet and really cool. Bet she's never been diving, before, and it's good for Ani to do new things that won't catch her hepatitis. *has SEEN some of those bars*
what_4th_wall 1. Seriously, what anime are you from???
1.a. How do you feel about tentacles?
1.b. How do tentacles feel about you?
2. Why the fear of sex? You live with Hugh effing Jackman. for crying out loud!
3. If uber-powerful aliens came down to Earth and DEMANDED that we eliminate all of our ridiculous genres, but we bargained them down to getting to keep just one - which would it be, Bollywood, Anime, or Spanish Soap Operas? (You may choose "Other", but you must have a DAMN good reason and explanation for doing so!)
4. You killed a dude with a cross. That's totally METAL. Why the bitterness towards religion? I think the dude you offed should be more bitter! He got nailed by IRONY!
5. So when you gonna upgrade from stealing for hire to killing of hire? (Might help you get over that priest! More kills makes each one mean less. Trust me.) You've gotta keep climbing that corporate ladder until you hit partner!
This one! I'd be
this chick (she's a four-leaf clover, I'm a ten-metal of the pile either way.) a. If they're not fried and crumbled up on pasta, I don't wanna hear about it. b. I try not to get close enough to have a conversation with any.
2. It's not a fear, okay?! It's's a distaste. I don't like it when people stare at me, so it's not fair for me to stare at other people. And it's like nobody wants me because they like hanging out with me or because I'm smart or 'cuz I'm damn good at what I do...they want me because I've got a pretty face or unusual hair or a vagina. And you know what? Fuck that. I don't have time for that shit, and I really don't have time to figure out if somebody's deeper than that.
3. Can I make an argument for children's TV? Because there is NOTHING better for ADD than two-minute bites of color and music, I swear. Bollywood comes in second for ALSO being a nonsensical loop of color and music...with thinly patched-together plot.
4. I think it's weak. I don't like the idea that, if you pray hard enough, some big hand will come out of the sky and make everything better. It's a lie, and I learned the hard way that nobody's gonna take care of you but you. And anyway, too many people use it as an excuse to be assholes.
DID YOU SEE THIS BULL ABOUT HAITI? WHAT IS UP WITH THAT? Besides, if God were real he'd have offed me for what I did.
5. That's not the plan. I like stealing; I know I'm not super book-smart, but it makes me feel cleverer than everybody else. I don't really care enough about people one way or the other to kill or not kill. It's all been self-defense so far. Okay, well, I might have left some bleeding ES guards for the captive vamps, but those guys were knowingly working to imprison meta-humans, and that's Not. Cool. Call it proactive self-defense in that case.
sinful_minx 1. Did you listen to me when I told you to get the hell out?
2. Would you consider taking a contract overseas for some short-term work?
3. Wigs or dying? That hair would be rather conspicuous in some circles, so how do you hide it?
4. If you knew who I was associated with, would you have still brought me the sapphires that day?
5. Has there ever been someone, male or female, to strike your fancy? Anyone?
1. Yes...just not right away. I don't plan to tell you IC, but I just wasn't in any shape to get on the road before the invasion. Anya and I figured that if we were gonna go back out into the world, with all the mutant-hunting and outstanding arrest warrants, we had to be back up to snuff.
2. Absolutely, so long as me only speaking English isn't a problem! I hear that Rosetta Stone program is really effective.
3. Wigs, for something long-term. The problem is that dye just won't take. It washes right off in just a couple shampoos, so it's only good for confusing cameras on single jobs.
4. Oh, yeah. I was just starting out in LA, I needed the money and that ice was hot. What do I care if jewelry goes to a dangerous person or not? But I might've been too cautious to take you up on the casino contract.
5. Not in a butterflies-in-my-belly kind of way. I notice attractive people, sure, but getting involved is too much trouble. It's too easy to end up used, and I'm too busy to take the time to prevent that, so it's easier to just...not.