colour me frustrated...

Apr 29, 2005 18:18

poor Brent is ill again with a cold (happens a couple of times a year) so i'm trying to take care of him. it's pointless me being around all the time when he's going to be sleeping though, so i just come home. i wish i could do more for him but i'm not a doctor or knowledgable in this case. i just know what works for me! i walked all over tarnation ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

jlapointe May 1 2005, 23:17:23 UTC
I really liked Fosters until I was there yesterday and they told me they had a no returns policy, now i don't have a bike seat :(


allsorts May 1 2005, 23:42:02 UTC
i'll be exchanging for a rack and folding basket. hopefully i'll be able to do that. sorry to hear about your seat. that really is bad business practice, not posting or telling about return policies and having a crap one.


jlapointe May 2 2005, 12:26:10 UTC
yeah exchanges aren't usually as bad since you are still giving them money. i was really annoyed because they are a good store other wise.

i am tempted to get storage for my bike but people always steal it!


athoos May 2 2005, 16:24:56 UTC
some believe that serial dreaming is possible. that you simply live another life whilst in dream, and that the waking world is just your dreams for the life you lead while asleep.


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