May 01, 2005 13:36

ok, so if my screen name has randomly IMed you with some sort of link, DON"T CLICK IT. it's bad. Thanks to Alyson (j/p) sending me a random link and clicking it. So now I have some sort of thing on my messenger and has been randomly IMing people the same link. Only the link doesn't work. So, that's a good thing ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

allornothing May 1 2005, 20:49:52 UTC
For what it's worth, let this be a lesson to everyone who's been infected by this thing that it's always, 100%, without exception bad practice to click on links if you're not sure what they are, if you didn't ask for them, or if you don't know where they go. If my recollection of my encounter with this thing last night is correct, it's also just as irresponsible to download and then execute files that you didn't intend to download or don't know the purpose of. Always, always err on the side of caution because if it was important enough for you to see, click on, or download, the person sending it to you will attempt it again (something these sorts of virii or trojan horses don't typically do ( ... )


60320 May 29 2005, 17:41:02 UTC
heyy its brittanney(mixtape8)
my new username add me !!


allstar_guitarg May 29 2005, 17:41:57 UTC
will do!


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