Application for sortinghat_rp

Oct 22, 2011 17:35

Player Information
Name: Takato
Timezone: GMT+10
Personal Journal: soulscandalous
Players Contact/AIM/MSN/YAHOO: milesforking @ AIM
Email Address:
Former/Other Characters in the RP: Hayato Gokudera | Erika Karisawa | Lavi Bookman | Roxas | Soul Eater Evans | Joshua Kiryuu | Marie Mjolnir | Ken Ichijouji | Kim Diehl

Character Information
Name: Applejack (for the sake of the AU, her last name will be Smith as per 'Granny Smith' in canon)
Canon Origin/Series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
School Year: Fifth
Gender: female
Age: 15
Out of school living location: outside of Southwell, Nottinghamshire, England
Blood status: Muggleborn

Applejack is, in many ways, your typical tomboy rolled up into one person. She enjoys getting dirty and messy, dislikes anything too girly and is the most ill-tempered of her friends when the right buttons are pushed. She's sociable, mainly because of the huge family she comes from, and decently mannered. Well, as well-mannered as any country bumpkin can be.

Aside from all this, though, you won't find a more dependable girl. She's honest, hardworking, fair, sensible, practical and determined. Living and working on an apple farm and running its apple business means being there when you need to be, doing what needs to be done and being prepared for any mishaps or consequences that happen while under your jurisdiction. Applejack keeps her cool and thinks things through, keeping her more rash friends in line when bad shit goes down, quick-thinking keeps her on her toes in these times and she relies on good old common sense to make it through tough situations.

Applejack doesn't back down when things turn sour and she's in the wrong, despite how honest and loyal she is. Her stubbornness can get her into trouble sometimes, especially when it's her own decisions that got her into said mess. She usually proves herself to be the better pony by apologizing first, if the situation is with one of her friends. Considering her kind and considerate nature, Applejack has a long-standing rivalry with Rainbow Dash and a fairly decent sized dislike for Rarity, though she does get along with both ponies when the time calls for it.

Deep down, AJ has a really good, honest heart. She might bite off more than she can chew sometimes but she'll come around when she's needed.

Canon Background:
Applejack was the first pony Twilight Sparkle met when she traveled to Ponyville to make sure the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration were going according to plan. She was only too delighted to introduce Twilight to her overly large family who were there for the festival. When Princess Celestia is held prisoner by Nightmare Moon upon her return, Applejack is one of the first ponies to offer to help Twilight search the Everfree Forest, proving to be her element - Honesty - when Twilight is about to fall over the side of a cliff, telling her to let go so that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can catch her, despite not having told her as such and simply asked her to put her faith in her.

It's later revealed that she was the last in her class to get her Cutie Mark and it's something of a family tradition. Applejack traveled to Manehattan to live with her upperclass relatives, but instead gets homesick. Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom helps her see that her destiny lies with Sweet Apple Acres, leading her to return home to the farm.

Background (AU!Canon; HP):
[Crimson] Born into a family of Muggles, Applejack grew up on an apple orchard in Nottinghamshire. Well, actually that would be a lie. She didn't quite grow up on the orchard, as when she was ten she decided that she didn't like growing up in the countryside, and so she went to live with an aunt and uncle relation in London. Quite possibly the worst decision she ever made. Still, little Applejack tried to fit into the upper class society with her very best effort, learning etiquette and dressing up in frilly outfits to please her aunt and uncle.

As every child does when away from home for the first time, Applejack soon got homesick for the farm and her enthusiasm for the high life in the city dwindled. Deciding to return home, she left without much of a second thought, heading back to Nottinghamshire. There was never any hesitation in her decision to return home, and Applejack never regretted it. She soon got comfortable and back into the hard work on the farm, finding a love for working until her body was sore and roaming the farm with the family cattle dog, Winona.

Her celebration of returning home was soon cut short when she received her Hogwarts letter. Now no one in the Smith family had even heard of such a school, let alone wizards and magic, but Granny remembered Gramps always muttering and the strange things that happened whenever he was around. When a representative came to explain things to them. Though she was sad to leave again and kind of skeptical about the whole thing, Applejack enjoyed her first year, and her second and so on and so forth. Though a lot of the magic tended to confuse her due to the pronunciation and her own accent, she paved her own way in her years in Hogwarts, joining the Quidditch team in her second year after catching the Quidditch bug from a Housemate. [Clover]

How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: Applejack would fit well in Gryffindor house. She's reckless and headstrong to a fault, brave and courageous in the face of fear. She's not overly fearless however, as places such as the Everfree Forest in canon still frighten her.

Hufflepuff is another house Applejack would fit well in. She is known mostly for her honesty and friendliness, as well as her disapproval of anything other than fair play. Growing up on an apple farm means she's not afraid to put all her muscle into hard work, her diligence coming through to show her work when the job is done.

Applejack isn't very fond of 'them fancy mathematics', but that's not to say that she isn't smart in her own way. She's quite witty and capable of quick thinking in a hairy situation, a canon example being knowing what to do with the stamped in episode 4.

While not being overly ambitious without thinking about the benefits it would bring to her family, Applejack is capable of taking over leadership of the group in canon when Twilight isn't available. She's quite resourceful in her own right, her primary reason for attending the Gala being to supplement the family business by making money selling apple products (not the technological kind).

Sample Journal Entry:
Do y'all seriously have nothing better t'do than sign young'uns up for auction when they could probably do it themselves if they wanted? There's gotta be some kinda law against that sorta thing.

Oh yeah, I had somethin' to say. I'm not joining the Quidditch team this year, much as it pains me. Don't get me wrong, I love it and all, but I kinda wanna try my hand at bein' an announcer. What d'ya think?

Sample Interaction Post in Third Person:
Applejack peered at the book in front of her where she sat in the common room, brushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ears. It wasn't to say that she wasn't able to read it. No, Applejack's English was quite good, thank you very much. In over three years at Hogwarts she had never gotten used to all this Latin talk. Her tongue simply couldn't make it roll as easily as some people made it out to be. Honestly, what in the world was a 'Carpe' anyway? Wasn't anybody that spoke like that anymore. And how was it supposed to help her?

"Confounded Latin." She shut the book with a bit of a grumble, letting her Charms book drop to the floor before crossing her arms with a huff. She much rather preferred to work with her hands, but she had a test in a few days time that she had to study for. Applejack looked out the corner of her eye at the book, biting her bottom lip before sighing and rolling her eyes, leaning down to pick it up again. "Fine, y'all win. Stupid book." She didn't really want to fail after all, especially if she was going to make the farm famous in the wizarding world.

!app, !ooc

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