Welcome back, buta-lovers~!

Apr 09, 2013 12:44

Welcome once again to allthegyoza. As it was such a success last year and because Massu is still the awesomest and deserves lots of fic for his birthday, Butafest will run again this year under new management (please look after me!!). By the way, most of this post is copied from last years because I'm lazy and it was written super-perfectly.

Like last year, there are five quick and easy steps to Butafest:

1. Submit prompts.
2. Claim prompts.
3. Write/draw prompts.
4. Submit fic/art.
5. Enjoy fic/art.

But, here is what each step involves:

1. Submit prompts.

This is exactly what it sounds like. A post will go up asking for prompts, and you will be encouraged to give them and poke everyone you know into giving them. Give as many as you want. Prompts are necessary for this challenge. Therefore we need as many as you can think of. Anyone can submit prompts. You do not have to be a writer or artist to submit prompts.

A few things to keep in mind when submitting prompts:
- the prompt must center around Massu. Obviously.
- the shorter the better. Please try to keep it to a sentence or two with minimal prepositional phrases.
- listing specific pairings and ratings is discouraged; however, we understand that certain prompts really only apply to one other person (or a group, such as NEWS),so we just ask that you generalize as much as possible.
- this is not a request forum. It is up to the writer who chooses the prompt to interpret it however they please, which may not be what the initial prompter had in mind.

An example of a “good” prompt: Massu stumbles upon a groupmate/friend's secret stash.

An example of a “bad” prompt: Massu takes Shige on a getaway to Tahiti where they find an unassuming bottle on the beach that turns out to house a genie that turns them into girls, and Massu gets sand in uncomfortable places. Tegoshi finds out and is upset that they make better girls than he does, and Koyama (and Nyanta) is upset at the whole situation when he finds homemade softcore lesbian porn of 75% of his group on YouTube. However, Massu shows up to make him the best sandwich ever, in his fur-lined heels, and all is right with the world. Especially after the tag-team lap dance courtesy of TegoShige. (As much as we really want to read this now, it doesn't leave much room for interpretation. xD)

2. Claim prompts

Again, what it sounds like. After one week of prompting, an index of prompts will be posted and writers/arists will be free to claim up to two prompts each. Each prompt can have up to two fics written or two pictures drawn for it. Comments will be screened and writers/artists are expected to stay anonymous with their prompts, or as anonymous as one can manage these days. ;)

There will be more details on the actual claims post, but how it works is that you comment with the prompt(s) you would like and your email address (there will be copypasta, no worries), and we will inform you via email if your prompt(s) have been accepted. The only reason they wouldn't be accepted is if two writers/artists have already claimed it.

To be clear, there can be up to two fics and two pieces of fanart submitted for the same prompt. Any more will be denied, sorry. Also, each writer or artist is permitted up to two claims. If the same person signs up as a writer and an artist, we'll ask that they only choose one fic prompt and one art prompt. There will only be eight weeks and we want to make sure everything that gets claimed is fulfilled. It would be a shame to turn someone away from a prompt that ends up getting dropped.

However, if you are fast and breeze through two prompts with time left over, you are welcome to claim more provided they don't already have two claims.

You may claim your own prompts, mostly because we won't be keeping track of who submitted what. This is meant to be chill and easy, guys. The prompts exist to give you inspiration and the structured format exists to poke you into writing. ^^

3. Write/draw prompts.

Once you receive the email that your prompts have been approved, you can get to work. The only thing to keep in mind is that the fic must focus on Massu! And the minimum word count is 1000 words. That's it. It's not even really a big deal if you stray from the actual prompt as long as it's still about Massu. The point is that he gets fic/art. The end.

Art-wise, there are no limits. Fanart is what we mainly had in mind, but if you want to submit a batch of icons, layout header, manips, other graphics, fanvideos, have at it. Again, the point is that there is art. We may actually die of glee if anyone signs up as an artist, so this is pretty open.

Collaborations are allowed, between writers and artists. If the same prompt has a writer and an artist and you two want to hook up to do a big bang type thing, go for it. Or you can submit separately, whatever. Work it out however you like.

There will be a required header for both fic and art, to be sent in the claim acceptance email. We ask that you warn for anything that could be disturbing or triggering.

Other than that, go wherever your mind takes you. Just because it's his birthday doesn't mean the fic has to be happy, if that's your thing. ;) All genres, pairings, ratings, and prompt interpretations are allowed.

4. Submit fic/art.

This is the hard part, Buta lovers. July 1st is when your fic or art needs to be in Masuperman's inbox, and failing to do so will just not get you posted with the others. We can put it off for a few days if you're almost done, but any later than that will be pushing off reveals.

We would prefer that all fics are beta read, and we even have an in-house beta happy to assist you with this process. If you refuse beta services, we'd like you to mention that in your header. We don't want to turn anyone away from writing Massu fic, but we want our readers to know what they're getting into, too.

For fic, please check all of your coding and submit a separate document for submissions that span more than one LJ post. Try to remember to include an LJ-cut or we will just use the title of your fic.

5. Enjoy fic/art.

And here's the easy part. The posting schedule will be determined closer to posting time, but it will start on July 4th, just in time for Massu’s birthday, complete with fireworks and hot dogs depending upon your location.

Fic and art posting will be anonymous. Why? Because it's fun that way.

Readers are encouraged to comment favorably if they like what they read. Adult content filters will be used in accordance with LiveJournal's policy.

Starting a couple of weeks earlier than last year to allow even more time for lots of Massu fic to be created, so the timeline looks a little something like this:

April 15th: Prompt submssions go up.
April 22nd: Prompt submisisons closed.
April 23rd: Prompt claims open*
July 1st: Submissons due.
July 4th: Posting begins.

*After this date, you can claim prompts any time up until July 1st, there is no closing date.

If there are any questions, concerns, or if you just want to flail (please?), comment here or email your modly Masuperman at pumpkingyoza@gmail.com. In the meantime, start thinking of prompts!

*pigpen rules, *modliness

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