Title: Save me Pairing/Characters: Massu/Tegoshi Rating/Warnings: PG Prompt: 42. Massu finally gets invited to pose for ANAN's sexy issue but he's too shy... so he needs help!
I really wish this will happen soon !!! I would love it with Yuuko ...but I guess it wont happen XDDDD I sometime wish I could photoshop myself when I go out XDDDDD
absolutely adorable! i love all the details! how you describe the forniture, the yukatas, massu's hair... i can picture all of this in my mind! and the ending! how adorable was that? you did it perfectly! loved!
absolutely adorable! i love all the details! how you describe the forniture, the yukatas, massu's hair... i can picture all of this in my mind! and the ending! how adorable was that? you did it perfectly! loved!
It was brilliantly written, a truly great story! <3 I could picture the photo-shoot so easily and everything about their reactions and feeling was just spot on. I love the idea that Tegoshi’s presence could calm Massu down when he got in a panic about exposing his body in front of the camera. ^__^
''Miracles happen with Photoshop you know?'' Lol, that's so true.
Oh, I REALLY would like to see those pictures... now I can only imagine what they turned out like (and what Massu, Tego and all the clueless fans thought about the strong chemistry between Masuda and the unknown model XD).
Thanks for the comment ! It made me happy !!! ^^ Believe me ....I wish I could be in Anan staff to make this shooting come true XDDDD There were other scene I imagined ...but finally it was too long so I just shortened it !
Comments 6
i love all the details you threw in about the theme and how it would have been worse to have him in a bar setting or something.
''Miracles happen with Photoshop you know?''
crying, so true.
I sometime wish I could photoshop myself when I go out XDDDDD
and the ending! how adorable was that? you did it perfectly! loved!
and the ending! how adorable was that? you did it perfectly! loved!
''Miracles happen with Photoshop you know?'' Lol, that's so true.
Oh, I REALLY would like to see those pictures... now I can only imagine what they turned out like (and what Massu, Tego and all the clueless fans thought about the strong chemistry between Masuda and the unknown model XD).
Thanks for writing this, I enjoyed it so much. ^^
Believe me ....I wish I could be in Anan staff to make this shooting come true XDDDD
There were other scene I imagined ...but finally it was too long so I just shortened it !
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