Jan 09, 2011 15:54
[ Age ] Six Solar Sweeps / 13 years
[ Height ] On the taller side of the trolls.
[ Weight ] Pretty skinny.
[ Medical Info ] Vriska has switched to her dream self after dying, which means she's pretty much a-okay now. Cerulean blood!
[ Eyes ] As usual for trolls, yellow sclera, black pupils! Which her left eye has seven of.
[ Hair ] Black and well past her hips.
[ Physical traits ] Also as usual for trolls, grey skin and horns. One of them resembles a scorpion's claw, the other its tail.
[ What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her ] Anything is fine, although I recommend thinking twice before pissing her off. In between petty acts of revenge and permanent injury and murder, this girl has resorted to all of it.
[ Abilities ] Psychic! Can read memories and control the minds of trolls with weaker minds or trolls who are vulnerable to her powers by being psychic, themselves. With humans, her ability is limited to putting them to sleep and waking them to her liking, although I'm considering carrying over the other abilities to humans with psychic powers. Provided that it works on someone her powers are strong. She has successfully manipulated another psychic troll into manipulating another psychic lusus into manipulating someone who is immune to Vriska's powers, so there.
She will try to refrain from using her powers for anything but petty comeback and trickery due to a truce, at the moment.
Vriska also has Vision Eightfold, which seems to give her a sort of x-ray view, but canon has only shown her using it once.
Her strife specibus or weapon of choice is a set of D8s which execute various roleplaying techniques IRL. Her luck with rolls used to be pretty bad, but now that she has all the luck (all of it), she's able to land strong attacks .
[ Notes for Psychics ] ... Psychic! Which does not actually make her immune to other attacks of the psychic kind - in fact, she is more vulnerable to them as a blueblood who isn't supposed to have psychic powers at all. However, she will not like it one bit when she finds out and get you back, possibly twofold. Psychics should be able to tell that with someone who has resorted to mutilation and murder for revenge before, she is not a safe person to mess with.
That aside, her mind is messed up and she has issues controlling herself. She's trying to be better in order not to lose the people who are maybe sort of kind of willing to be nice to her again, but she's too fucked up to really make it work.
[ Can I shapeshift/bodyswap-- ] Sure.
[ spit at/step on/etc? ] She might think you're hitting on her.
[ Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact ] Also yes, but she won't be too pleased in hindsight of the last time she kissed anyone.
[ Maim/Murder/Death ] Contact me.
[ Cooking ] She pretty much raised herself, like any other troll, so. She can keep herself alive.