Of course you're being alive! You've always been alive! What kind of silly command is that?
Aradia: Go on an adventure.
Oops, you've already beaten the command to doing that. You're always adventuring. Actually, at the moment it's more like you're just running around and ducking behind things and just generally making a fool out of yourself. But you'
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Comments 24
On it. It's pretty entertaining, but you can't help but wonder why she is doing it. Might as well bite the bullet and ask her.
wwhat are you doin
Actually, no one is going to find either of you, because the Troll Nazis you're running from are just a reenactment of one of your favorite movies, and also just in your imagination.
> Aradia: Rope the poor unfortunate passerby into your adventure.
If he keeps standing there then he's going to get you both caught! It is your duty as an adventurer to try and grab this lost wanderer by the scarf and drag him behind this thing you're hiding behind. To rescue him from the Troll Nazis, of course.
You're too busy letting out a mix of a gag and a yelp to realize anything. You now find yourself behind . . . whatever it is you're hiding behind.
wwhose goin to find us
this place isnt exactly dangerous except for those times the imperial drone showws up
Wow, you almost surprise yourself with how seriously you manage to say this. If you didn't know better you'd have convinced yourself there were actually Troll Nazis on your trail! But that's just silly.
h0rribly vici0us bunch th0se tr0ll nazis
better yet get back here s0 they d0nt find us b0th!
You scurry to join this MYSTERIOUS ADVENTURE LADY, hiding behind the whatever with her and giggling excitedly. You love adventures!
P55555t! Hey!!!!! What'5 a troll nazi? And why are we hiding from them????? .::D
y0u kn0w like in the tr0ll indiana j0nes m0vie
and were hiding fr0m them because theyre evil and pr0bably want t0 kill us!
> Aradia: Nearly tackle and drag Sollux behind the whatever with you.
On it. It is your duty as an adventurer and a friend to jump out and pull Sollux behind your hiding place with you to protect him from the Troll Nazis! Good adventurer, best friend.
hi s0llux!
0h shhhhhh
we cant have the tr0ll nazis finding us
Needless to say you're less than thrilled with this sudden situation.
2top touchiing me.
0h um
im s0rry s0llux
is everything 0k?
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