Title: Just Trying to Get the Good (Part 2/2)
allthingsholyPairing: Ben/April (Parks & Rec)
Rating: R? NC-17? Let's say NC-17.
Words: ~15000 total; ~6500 this part.
Notes: Thanks so much to
cypanache for looking over all of this one, two, three times and helping me work out some plot and characterization kinks. Thanks to
ishie for the once-over and
slybrunette for being the
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Comments 22
First off, I love your Ben. (Then let me list off all the other things I love.) Your descriptions of April and her dialogue is so spot on, the heartbreaking imagery throughout and how they both just kind of fall together (or rather find each other at the bottom). I love the repetition of the headlines throughout a lot a lot, it seems like kind of a small thing, but it speaks so much for the progression of the story.
So so good. It hurt but it wasn't hopeless you tied it up so so well. Gosh, because I needed more Parks ships. (but really, I need all the Parks ships.....)
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