Title: Root, Root, Root for the Home Team
juniperlane at the
sheldon_penny Saturnalia 2011.
Prompt: A SportsNight AU where Sheldon & Penny are Jeremy & Natalie. Basically, they work on a cable sports show. She’s the producer’s assistant and he’s a stats-obsessed production guy. And if you haven’t watched SportsNight, well. I guess that’s enough to be getting
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Comments 7
Everything about him is at opposite ends of the spectrum, which is pretty much Penny’s exact reaction to him: he’s kind of super awkward, all elbows and knees and vaguely unflattering haircut, but at the same time Penny kind of can’t stop staring at his hands and his jawline and this little patch of freckles behind his ear.
basically encapsulates all of my Sheldon-related feelings. I could read a bazillion words about this world. ♥
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