little tidbits of information i bet you didnt know.
Wearing a shamrock in the "caubeen" (hat) was a sign of rebellion, and during the 1800's this act was made punishable by hanging. This was one of many facets of the oppression the British government imposed on the Irish, others including the seizing of their property (forcing them to pay rent on what they had owned), disallowing them from education, restricting their job opportunities, and generally outlawing expressions of Irish culture.
The term "honeymoon" originated from an Irish tradition. The word for honeymoon in Gaelic is "mi na meala", which means "the month of honey". Irish monks used to produce a fermented honey brew called mead and would give enough to a bride and groom to last them a month after their wedding. It was believed that this drink enhanced fertility and was the best way to ensure a good beginning for a new marriage
The wolfhound is the official dog of Ireland. It is the largest of all dogs and can be up to six foot four when standing on its hind legs
The original Guinness Brewery in Dublin has a 6,000 year lease. A full seven percent of the Irish barley crop is used solely for the production of Guinness beer.
If you have a parent that was born in Ireland, you automatically have Irish citizenship. If you have a grandparent who was born in Ireland, you are eligible to apply for Irish citizenship.
The Irish flag has three vertical stripes: green, white, and orange. The green represents the Gaelic and Anglo-Norman population, orange for the Protestants (supporters of William of Orange) and white for the union and lasting truce between the two.
The average Irish adult spends a year on alcohol
70% of married Irish women would consider having an affair while on a
foreign holiday without their spouse or children.
90% of all Irish men would do the same.
63% of all Irish people think that corrupt politicians should be made
bankrupt and then imprisoned
Dublin is the Gay capital of Ireland with over ninety percent of the
indigenous gay population residing there
Galway is the Hash capital of Ireland *(looks like im going there.)
Irish marriages last an average of thirteen years although the majority
do not end in divorce. Irish couples prefer to separate and live in sin
with their new partners rather than go through costly legal proceedings