Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 12)

Jul 10, 2011 19:47

Title: Anywhere Else But Here (12/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex/ possible other pairings
Summary: Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people and the title cred goes to Simple Plan.

Master Post

Jack woke up cold. He knew before he even was coherent that Alex was gone. He stood up quickly, stumbling against the counter, still drenched in fatigue. He felt hands on his shoulders, steadying him.

"W-where's Alex?" Jack asked, his eyes fuzzy.

"He's just in the kitchen getting some breakfast." He heard John's voice. "Here, just sit down for a minute before you pass out." John said, laughing lightly. Jack felt relieved and sat down on one of the stool, resting his head on the counter, almost falling back asleep.

He felt something warm on his hair and hands on his sides. He already knew who it was, because his touch made Jack shiver.

"G'morning..." Alex said against Jack's hair, wrapping his arms around his waist from the back. Jack felt so warm and safe in Alex's embrace. It was almost scary how much he adored the older boy.

He turned to face Alex, pulling him down on his lap.

"I thought you were gone when I woke up... I was scared." Jack admitted. Alex just kissed his nose and smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere without you, silly." He said softly.

"Ohhh... I see you two have made up, then." Josh cooed. Alex looked up at him, giving him a grateful smile.

"We do get to set ground rules right? Like... no fucking in the middle of the night while everyone is trying to sleep?" John added comically. Jack felt his cheeks burning from that one.

"Oh, shut up, John. You know if you had a fuck buddy, you'd be all over that." Josh said, something else in his eyes.

"Well, that's beside the point..." John said, his tone softer when he looked at Josh, smiling. "I think this calls for a celebration!" He added, his volume returning to normal.

"You always find a reason to break out the booze, John." Cassadee said, emerging from the kitchen, rolling her eyes. John just shrugged.

"It's there... for us. To enjoy." He said, coaxing Cassadee.

"Okay... but you can't start drinking at nine in the morning. That's not very classy." Cassadee said.

"Okay, mommy." John said in a child's voice.

"Alright, don't make me punish you." Cassadee said sarcastically.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" John asked, a sultry look in his eyes.

She just rolled her eyes and laughed.

Alex laughed against Jack's neck, sending vibrations through Jack's body. Everything, for just even a moment or two, felt good and grand. For a while, at least.


"Cassadee Pope... I just have to tell you... you got the prettiest... hair." John said drunkenly, smelling Cassadee's hair.

"You're a real charmer, O'Callaghan." Josh said, giggling through his drink.

Jack had just barely made a dent in his scotch. He never was a big alcohol person. He'd been to a party once and got so drunk his hangover lasted for days. He wasn't quite the same after. It had mellowed him a lot.

Alex dropped down beside Jack, a bottle of Jack Daniel's in his hand.

"Hey there, handsome... you come here often?" He asked, slightly slurring his words.

"You are so drunk." Jack said, laughing.

"Mmmhmmm... But! I think... ummm..." Alex thought for a moment. "Well, I can't remember... Why is your glass still full?" He asked quickly getting off topic.

"I've seen how it effects teenagers." Jack said, unable to stop laughing at Alex.

"Jaaaack... why are you laughing at me?" Alex whined, leaning against Jack.

"I'm not laughing at you..." Jack said softly, his laughter dying down.

"Yes.... you were." Alex said, huffing, his eyelids heavy. Jack just ruffled his hair and squeezed him a little.

"I could never laugh at such a pretty face." Jack said.

"Pretty is for girls... I'm sexy." Alex said, matter- of- factly.

"Yeah, that's what I meant." Jack said.

"You think I'm sexy?" Alex asked, looking genuinely curious.

"I said it, didn't I?" Jack asked.

"I don't remember..." Alex said, pressing his lips to Jack's jaw, making him shiver. He lazily slid his tongue down his jaw and neck, his hands grabbing the younger boy's hips, pushing him back onto the ground.

"Alex..." Jack gasped, unable to speak.

"You taste so good..." Alex against Jack's ear. He couldn't even think clearly after that.

"Oh... I can do that!" John said excitedly, grabbing the nearest person to him, which happened to be Josh and kissed him. Josh's eyes widened for a moment, but after a few seconds he looked content, taking the liberty to deepen in.

"Oh, man. I think I should go to bed." Cassadee said, rubbing her eyes and downing one last shot.

"Jack... I love you." Alex said against his skin. Jack froze for a minute and processed it. He was so drunk, he had no clue what he was saying. Although, he ached for it to be true.

"I... I love you too, Lex..." He mumbled before feeling Alex's breathing get slower. He was already fast asleep.

Jack sighed and looked over at Josh and John, who still appeared to be going at it.

"Cass..." Jack said softly. She looked over at him, her eyes wide and waiting. She wasn't even a little bit under the influence. How a girl could take that much alcohol was beyond him.

"So... is this like... it?" Jack asked, feeling pained for asking.

"What do you mean, Jackary?" She asked, the nickname soothing him, as well as Alex's warm breath on his neck.

"I mean... what are we going to do? When all the food and booze and shit... when that's all gone. What happens then?" He asked, feeling scared.

She just looked at him like it had never occured to her. "I... I don't know." She said truthfully.

Jack was panicked for a moment before he felt Alex's body slowly rising and falling. Then he knew.

"We'll just have each other. We can't just let our parents being taken away be all in vain..." Jack said, triumphant for a moment. Then he realized how many of them there must be.

"Do you know of any other people like us?" He asked.

"I've heard of them... but I've never actually seen anyone else but you two." She said.

"Jack..." He heard Alex murmur softly in his sleep. "Don't leave me..." He said, his voice softly hysteric.

"I'll never, ever leave you..." Jack said softly.

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