Basic Info
Name: Nina
Age: 18
Gender: gal
Ethnicity: Cambodian/Chinese/Brasileira
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Occupation (If you're in school, please specify year level/major. If you're working, tell us a little bit about your job.): Temple University/freshman/business honors - undeclared... still working out the kinks in my future career plans.
Relationship status: single... to be more precise, I'm more of a casual dater ;]
Describe yourself in 3 words: fan of debauchery
What does your LJ username mean? "I love it when the news is bad and why it feels so good to feel so sad; I'm only happy when it rains." - Garbage
3 Favorites
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
The Usual Suspects
The Matrix
Cool Runnings
Daphne Loves Derby
spinach salads
mandarin oranges
What are your interests? epicurean philosophy, the art of making espresso, being the girl-about-town, feeling good, etc.
You are what you rant about. What is your ultimate pet peeve? I'm not a real big fan of condescending individuals. No one is perfect... gahhh that really shakes my soda! haha
If you were to lose your bag or wallet, the person who found it would be able to determine what things about you? If someone found my bag he/she would be able to tell that I am obsessed with chapstick/lip balm... I carry at least 3 different kinds. The person would also be able to tell that I like to save everything! i.e. receipts, gum wrappers, etc... you never know haha. And lastly, someone would be able to take a sneak peek into my life through photographs because I take my camera everywhere.
Do you have photoshop skills? prove it! (optional) I'm such an amateur... heh
One song or album: Cassino - The Gin War
One book or movie: The Usual Suspects [movie]
One piece of advice: Never lay ALL your cards on the table.
Give us your opinion on an issue of your choice, something you feel strongly about.
I am a strong supporter of the death penalty. Although there are those who may be wrongly accused and although putting a prisoner to death costs more than to keep them in prison for life, I believe in the saying, "A life for a life."
Promote in at least 3 places and provide the links here:
http://angrylittlegirls.coma cute and witty comic strip
http://opentable.combook your restaurant reservations online
http://bagborroworsteal.comcan't afford to buy couture? rent the look.
Post at least 5 Pictures. Required: one body shot, one smiling pic, one non-smiling pic