(no subject)

Feb 01, 2009 21:50

[Private; Unhackable]


He was pretty sharp. I had no problem borrowing his ideas back home, why worry about it here? Not like he'll care.

Sigh. Too bad he was a man.

((1% spent on Volke and 1% spent on Whisper skills (she's now capable of being absolutely silent while doing anything and can disappear in the blink of an eye); OUT-OF-CHARACTER NOTE: From here on, Heather will be taking on any odd job that's brought up to her, so long as she'll get paid the right price. She's made herself a disguise, so if she speaks to anyone while wearing it, they won't be able to recognize her. You can reply to this or--in the future--characters can filter 'To the Fireman' in their posts and she'll reply.

Again, she's willing to do almost anything so long as it's for the right price, so go ahead and play around with this. I support anyone and everyone playing around with this, but, again, it'll cost the characters money.))

the fireman, memory regain

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