
Jul 20, 2004 03:25

I miss a lot of people. I went shopping today and got hot kicks from nine west. I bought sunglasses for $2 at Fossil, o yea be jealous, I know I would be. Michale took us to the bool outlet shore lol it was great.

I have everything I need and everything I will ever need.

I love my guitar.
I love genny.
I love hot hair and real friends.
I love ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

yourbodymyhands July 20 2004, 14:16:49 UTC
dude, learn to spell


bloodredwrists July 20 2004, 17:30:31 UTC
I miss you, Gina. Like a lot...



anonymous July 20 2004, 19:28:30 UTC
i miss you gina-it's been a while-i love those things too except i don't have a guitar


_ratiug_ July 21 2004, 05:41:57 UTC
hello gina, its been a little while since weve talked, i hope everything is going well. and is that a hard case i see there, did you get a new one. :=) casue thats great if you did, oh by the way i was looking for my blue guitar strap, and then i thought that i gave it to you, but i dont remember, it cool if you have it, justlet me know so i can stop looking for it.


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