[A dark haired man with glasses and sporting a team rocket outfit that was just a little bit tighter than he seemed comfortable with peers through the screen. He’s obviously learned his lesson from last time how she can get and has allowed his Pokémon to perch on his shoulder. Finally, she’s holding still.]
Igglybuff![She bounces toward the shiny
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[He did not just shout out in what could be interpreted as something similar to delight. Really not.]
How nice of you to join me.
[Oooohhh, pink ball! He likes you already! Excited waving!]
Be there in a flash.
[carrying the gear with him]
You were looking for me.
Doesn't matter, though, as the gear is turned off now, thank you very much.
Kisses in what can't be interpreted as much other than a kiss.]
There's definitely a kiss back though]
I see you're back, too.
[closes the door, glances down at Charmander]
It really is a frighteningly perfect match for you.
[pets his Charmander, smirks]
I ain't that flaming. But he needs a name.
[the Charmander LOVES the attention! He's whooshing his tail! Look, I burn!]
But I can say the same about yours. So adorable~!
That is not a perfect match. [clears THAT up right away, scowling and catching her once more mid bounce and setting her on the ground]
I'm willing to trade if you're so fond of her.
I dunno. Something about her... Probably the cheerful attitude. [Very, very amused.] Nah, sorry. I think my Inferno's already too attached to me.
[Flaming dinosaur > pink ball.]
Did you get any info like you wanted?
She still sounds more like you. [actually isn't even sure if she is a she, just assumed with all the pink]
[worth a shot]
Not yet. You learn anything useful?
I dunno, I always said there's a pink little ball inside you just waiting to emerge. [Schuldig will make fun of him forever.]
I got a crash course from Nagi. Apparently we train these pokémon, have them fight other pokémon and Team Rocket's goal seems to be spreading chaos.
I'd have shot you had you ever said that. [Crawford is starting to sense that even without his powers.]
I'm supposed to train that? [points to the pink ball] To fight? [skeptical is too nice a term for how he's feeling, smiles though, as spreading chaos is something he feels veeeery confident]
I've said worse than that and I'm still walking. [smirk]
Heh. Maybe you're destined to stand on the side-lines and cheer me on. [Thinks that sounds like a plan, actually.] But, yeah... the world has some obvious drawbacks.
I suppose you have your uses still.
[Glances at Igglybuff being quite content just to bounce and play, sighs]
I’m sure she would be more than happy to cheer for you. [Does not sit on the sidelines when there’s so much to figure out.] I just need to upgrade to a better one. One that isn’t pink and feels less like a marshmallow. Did Nagi give you any insight on how to do that?
[Can’t seem to find anything but drawbacks about his Pokémon, but knows something even more bothersome, frowns]
And I don’t seem able to get any visions while I’m here.
[eyes Schuldig now, waiting to hear about his telepathy, doesn’t look very hopeful for good news on that front]
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