What a really good day
to be continued....
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How long have you known
icarusinc? Forever!
pixiepaperdoll's hair color? Black with a dark purplish stripe
3) What do you disagree with
charredfields about? Not much.
4) Would
_errors_below_ be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate
5) If
_freckles_ and
charredfields were spliced together, what would be its name? charles
6) What is
beat_to_slumber allergic to? Meat
7) What is
icarusinc's biggest flaw? Overly emotional
8) Is
charredfields 1337? no
9) What mental disorder does
legallynonaryan remind you of? Dislexia
10) Is
superfreckles popular? perhaps
11) Does
charredfields know
rainy_sunday? no
12) Has
pixiepaperdoll dyed their hair? Yes
13) What would
_errors_below_ give
rainy_sunday for his/her birthday? a giant poodle
14) Does
legallynonaryan have a dog? dunno
15) Is
beat_to_slumber single? no
16) Do you think
charredfields is hot? yes
17) If
charredfields was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? aglets
18) One quality you find attractive in
beatyoursweater? Her mind
19) If
jjoe1185 took over the world, who would suffer? No one that'd be cool
20) Would you wrestle
oh_my in jello? beat_to_slumber
21) What rank would
charredfields have in a giant robot army? Captain Crazy-Go-Nuts
22) Is
superfreckles introverted or extroverted? introverted
23) Does
horseshoe do drugs? haha.... maybe?
24) Are
oh__maybe and
charredfields going out? no... that'd be weird
25) If
oh__maybe took over the world, who would be happy? oh__maybe, me, and mark hamilton