Feb 04, 2009 23:05
- 12:20 The weather is beautiful today! 70 and sunny with a tiny breeze. Lovely. #
- 12:42 @theotheragentm Yep! It's the end of the perfect weather for a while. #
- 12:43 @neuroticwriter We have had such nice weather here this winter! Usually it gets windy and kind of cold... but not this year. #
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Feb 02, 2009 23:52
- 10:01 A guy is fixing the garage door that has been off kilter all weekend. Having a broken garage door is pretty inconvenient. #
- 17:10 I'd like to cancel this day and start over again. Maybe that's not a coincidence since it's groundhog day. #
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Feb 01, 2009 00:48
- 15:45 Really glad I don't have to do any market shopping today. People get a little crazy about their Superbowl food. #
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Jan 30, 2009 03:20
- 16:53 They're going to raise cable rates here again in March. It's making me consider going cable free and saving the $50+ a month. #
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Jan 29, 2009 00:01
- 12:21 I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with my day by day calendars. Maybe four is too many. #
- 17:03 I love Divine Design. Why can't I do that to the rooms in my house? #
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Jan 24, 2009 23:43
- 10:07 Somehow JP broke his key off in the side door. That is an unusual start to the day. #
- 14:29 Lately every time I think of someone, there they are finding me on Facebook. #
- 17:58 It really is a high school reunion on Facebook. I'm thinking if we all just hooked up webcams the class could save a lot of money next year. #
- 21:00 I was 16 and led
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Jan 23, 2009 23:11
- 23:56 So glad that Grey's storyline is over. It was giving me some serious willies. #
- 14:32 Word of the day - QUASH v: to nullify especially by a judicial action #
- 14:32 Wow, I think it's raining again. #
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Jan 22, 2009 23:50
- 11:59 I want to get in the habit of drinking green tea every day. Or at least most days. #
- 13:55 Word of the day - MIMESIS n: imitation or mimicry #
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Jan 22, 2009 00:12
- 11:56 Holy allergies. That is a downside to living in Las Vegas. My allergies are so persistent & definitely worst than back East. Seems backward. #
- 15:26 People, I am so excited for Lost tonight. It feels like forever since it's been on. Oh, wait. That's because it HAS been forever. #
- 17:45 If I heard someone using the word of the day I might feel
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Jan 21, 2009 00:19
- 11:46 I have lost my initial excited feelings over Obama over the last months and have settled into a let's see what he can do now mode. #
- 11:47 I guess it's like when you get past those first three months with a new boyfriend and things just settle into a semi-comfortable waiting. #
- 12:08 Word of the day: ONOMASTICS 1: the study of proper names 2
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