Dec 08, 2008 22:33
- 15:17 It is nice to take a break from Twitter every now and then. #
- 15:32 Where we'll potentially be living next year? It's 40 degrees warmer here than there right now. Brrr. #
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Dec 06, 2008 22:24
- 12:54 Just cut JP's hair. Much respect for hair stylists who have to cut hair for hours each day. #
- 17:21 Going to read You: Being Beautiful tonight. No motivation like a library due date. #
- 17:35 I'm going to unplug from Twitter for the rest of the weekend. Talk to you Monday! #
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Dec 05, 2008 22:33
- 10:03 Have to mail out Christmas presents this weekend. What happened to my pledge to be way ahead of the game this year? #
- 13:57 It definitely doesn't feel like Christmas time in Las Vegas. We've barely had to wear jackets this year. I guess things could be worse. #
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Dec 05, 2008 12:50
- 12:58 So, Christmas is in exactly three weeks. Who isn't ready? #
- 17:20 I guess I really needed that nap. #
- 17:28 Where does the term "redonkulous" come from? I keep seeing EVERYONE use that lately. Is it just what the kids are saying? #
- 17:35 Some of you are saying you saw it on ... #
- 17:35 From Urban Dictionary: "redonkulous" -
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Nov 27, 2008 21:38
- 14:19 Went to Red Rock buffet. I am not one for buffets, but that one is definitely quality/value. I am not so much about the quantity. #
- 14:21 We're going to go see a movie in a little while. I think we're seeing Bolt in 3D. Yes, I am actually an eight year old. #
- 14:22 Also, it's really dark and rainy today. It is definitely a treat. I can't
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Nov 24, 2008 23:22
- 10:28 I can't stand people who can't take no for an answer. There is no way to be polite with them and I am a polite person. ARGH. #
- 11:25 I am so ready for the end of NaBloPoMo. It feels like it's been going on for a year. #
- 11:44 It is just really nice to sit down and write someone an old-fashioned super long e-mail. I'll be telling my grandkids
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Nov 23, 2008 23:28
- 13:33 It's good times when the comforter burns and rips in the washing machine. Guess it's good I wanted a new one anyway. #
- 15:39 Ready to go out now that it's just about dark. #
- 18:49 Honestly, I am probably not going to decorate for Christmas this year. I didn't last year either. Maybe it can be a family tradition. #
- 22:58 New blog post: New Toy
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Nov 22, 2008 23:09
- 10:59 Seeing all the hype about Twilight? Yeah, it's making me not want to see it at all. #
- 11:09 I really love when I forget to @ Awesome. #
- 13:23 Amazed by the product selection on Snapfish. #
- 17:37 It is kind of neat that when the sun goes down there is half a day left. #
- 17:39 Finally got an exercise bike. Need to put it together at some point
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Nov 21, 2008 23:28
- 08:49 Morning tweeps. I really need to clean off my desk. Again. What is new? #
- 08:51 How was Twilight? Was it worth going to see it at midnight? #
- 12:41 Lesson learned today from today's Oprah: Don't let your man at the foot of the bed while you're giving birth. Keep him by your side/shoulder #
- 16:58 New blog post: All About You #
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Nov 20, 2008 23:58
- 11:13 The gmail beach theme is pretty ugly considering how pretty a beach theme could be. #
- 11:22 I'm not all that impressed with the Google themes, especially not after all the Twitter hype yesterday. Hard to impress? It's possible. #
- 16:24 I'm guessing the theaters showing Twilight will be packed with overly excited women ... er, teenagers. Yeah
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